12 Signs of Cryptomania

Estelle Williams
Smart Healthy Women
8 min readJul 10, 2019

Photo by André François McKenzie on Unsplash

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock lately, you could not have escaped the digital phenomenon that is Cryptocurrency. This new paradigm is bound to set the world ablaze with massive change, and it’s no co-incidence that it has begun it’s rise to prominence during the Dawning of The Age of Aquarius (TAOA) — I like how that’s connected to the Tao, seems fitting somehow.

Aquarius represents the energy of change, science, brotherhood (and sisterhood of course), social dynamics, and the granting of wishes. Cryptocurrency is poised to deliver on these areas and more. TAOA brings a massive change to the way we view currency, and while it will not replace our fiat currency in the short term, it is definitely the precursor to the way we will transact for the new millennium.

It involves the dynamics of science, quantum leaps and physics in the digital space, plus allows people of all creeds to gain equal footing — all it takes is a willingness to play and a platform to play on. And if you look at the news around cryptocurrency, it has the capacity to deliver on many people’s wildest dreams.

Have you noticed that there are many different approaches to dealing in the crypto space? There are as many modes of operation as there are personalities and my contention is that, depending on your Sun Sign, you will have your own way of playing in this space.

For example, if your Sun Sign is Taurus, I can tell you that you are drawn to the quality coins that are going to hold their value (yes, you are a HODLer), while an Aries will be drawn to the latest, most exciting coin there is (and may forget to read the Whitepaper).

What is your style?


The Ram has an abundance of enthusiasm when it comes to investing in crypto. Trouble is, he is so enthusiastic, he may spread himself a little too thin when it comes to distributing his resources — $5 across 2000 coins might just get him a 10 or 100 bagger, but maybe it won’t. As the Pioneer of the Zodiac, he is just as likely to be involved in the latest ICO in some capacity, but he needs to remember not to burn too brightly and burn out too soon. If you tell him you’ve made a fortune on crypto, his competitive nature will see him stay up all night and spend all his focus (and funds) on getting the upper hand.


The Bull (notice the analogy with the market there folks) is in it for the long haul. Her prodigious ability to pick the right stocks (not necessarily the ones that shoot to the moon straight away) will see her sitting pretty in a field of clover before too long. She knows the value of value, and has an uncanny knack of knowing the quality coins from the fly-by-nighters. She’s seen it all before and has the patience, intelligence and stability to succeed in the crypto space like no other. But she needs to venture out of the paddock first — a lot of Taureans are already stuck in their ways of investing that are pretty much old hat now, but if they can catch a breath of this new breeze, they will do very well.


There are many who are born in the sign of The Twins who will already be on to this new crypto-craze, and they may have even been instrumental in starting or promoting it. Particularly when the price of Bitcoin was scaling to dizzying heights, they were there with the champagne and caviar and laughing all the way to the bank. The mental gymnastics required to learn a new system, get on board with it and profit, but also pulling all along in their wake because they make it look so FUN! is peculiar to the Gemini nature. Just be sure to pull out your profits because when prices tumble (which they always do) they may want to bail when it doesn’t seem so much fun anymore. This would be a big mistake, as the bounce is sure to happen, and they wouldn’t want to miss the next wave of euphoria that will ensue. On the other hand, they hate to HODL and may miss out on opportunities by their impetuosity.


The Crab is by nature risk-averse. She is not likely to be overly enthused in any risky venture, and the volatility of the crypto market may have her shivering in her shell. The other side of the coin is if she sees the opportunity to set up her nest egg and provide financial security for her family, then she will certainly be willing to stick her neck out of her shell with this new investment model. She will not be interested in any coin that hasn’t proven itself as valuable and offering a solid return. This makes her more cautious than most, but once invested, she will be in it for the long haul and by taking it slowly and cautiously she will eventually succeed. This is a good thing, because any losses she may incur will set her back until she remembers to look at it as a long term venture.


When it comes to the crypto-space, the Lion will be the leader of the pack. He will call the shots on the best coins to invest in, he will have hundreds of YouTube videos advising his adoring fans which ones to jump on and which ones to ditch, and which ICOs are going to make them millions. He knows which coins are going to the Moon and you’d do well to pay heed. Leo has an affinity with gold, being ruled by the Sun, and who knows? He may decide that Crypto is the new Gold. He also has an innate generosity that rewards those close to him for their loyalty and attention, and he works long and hard to make this new gold a reality for those who have shorter vision than he. Best find yourself a Leo to follow.


The Virgin is the organiser, the worker, the carer of the Zodiac. As an Earth sign, she is solid, risk averse, and patient. She is particular to the details and all the steps required to be a success in the crypto space. She works longer and harder than anyone, and she does it as a gift of service to Humanity. What seems to others as a pernickety attention to detail, means that there will be fewer errors, more substance, and much gratification that is of the slow-burner persuasion. She will drive you nuts with the details of navigating the exchanges, wallets, currency conversions and transaction fees, but she does it willingly and competently so let her go — it will work out for everyone’s benefit in the long term. Hitch your wagon to a Virgo if you can, you’ll reap the rewards.


The Libran is ruled by Venus, and so has a natural ability when it comes to pleasure and beauty, but also has a knack for balancing the demands of the flesh with those of the spirit. What has that got to do with crypto I hear you ask? He will always make sure that the bank account is sufficient to his appetites, and will always invest in quality coins that are backed by tangible luxuries, which will finance his penchant for fine things. Did I hear someone say Lambo? There may just be such a machine parked in the garage of the one who has the sign of the Scales in his hemisphere. He is also the perfect choice when it comes to forming a partnership, perhaps when putting together your next ICO?


Try asking the Scorpion what coins she is invested in and you will be met with a stony silence and perhaps a steely glare. This is a locked vault, even more impenetrable than a paper wallet locked in a steel bunker without a key. And if you make the mistake of asking for details about said Scorpio’s holdings, you may just feel the lash of her stinging tail and wake up in a field somewhere out of town with a bruised cheek and a case of bitter regret. But when it comes to instincts, she has the inside knowledge which is an inborn trait and makes her someone to be on the good side of. Be a genuine friend to a Scorpio — she has a prodigious memory for injuries and slights, and a killer instinct for what coins will fly.


The Archer loves to let loose his arrows into the sky and more often than not, they find their target. So it goes without saying that this sign has Lady Luck on his side, and will pick the right stocks at the right time, and do so without the slightest furrow in his brow. His sign is under the rulership of Jupiter, King of the Gods. Whatever Jupiter touches, expands, so if you want to grow your portfolio quickly, pay attention to his actions. His battle cry is ‘Freedom!’ and the freedom afforded by making the call to invest in those stocks that really will go to the Moon will change your life forever. But the dark side of this ability is to overindulge in the good life when things are going so well — he may get Libra’s Lambo, but will it be a matter of time before it’s repo’d? It’s always a good idea to have a little bit put aside for a rainy day, as the Archer is not immune to downturns either.


If anyone is poised to succeed in business (and consequently in life) it’s the SeaGoat. Her most important concern is her reputation and this is what explains her ability to at once be a success at her chosen profession as well as be the centre of social events. Within the crypto space she is cautious and rightly so. Her news feeds are filled with success stories but also with scams and failures, and she has the ability to tell one from the other. She may sit back and wait until the coins have a proven value, and once she overcomes her reticence will delve into the more conservative of the coins and tokens that appear to have long term rewards. She is no fool and will diversify her portfolio among coins, tokens, traditional stocks, bullion, real estate and cash.


The Water Bearer is the one who puts his hand up for every innovative ICO that is going, even more so if its purpose has a humanitarian or altruistic slant. He is the first to jump on any potential tech coin and is a child of the future. His love of innovation, science and fairness will see him adopt those initiatives that promise the long term vision for the benefits to humanity of this new frontier. He believes The Matrix is a threat to our survival and so crypto offers him a vision to break out of that cage and be a forerunner in the Revolution. He sees crypto as a way to break the shackles of the System that bind him — give him enough time and he will be right.


Oh Pisces, without her dreams of a better life and a better world we’d all be stuck in drudgery and servitude. She dreams the dream for all of us, of a different world that is based on kindness and fairness. Will the Crypto World provide such a space? I doubt it, but let’s not tell her just yet. If she can step down from her ivory tower, she actually has a lot of skill in this space, because picking the right coin to invest in at the right time is a function of intuition, and she has this in spades. The trouble is that most of the time she is not that interested in something as mundane as money and finances and trading and such. But if you can catch her interest long enough, then she will take the reins and make the whole thing come together successfully, as if by magic! And who can say it isn’t?

