Asset Tokenization is the Future of Investment Banking

DF Platform
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2018
The Smartlands Platform is developing a way of transforming of the real-world assets into the digital ones —

How can the real economy companies make the most of the crypto revolution to attract investments to be able to grow the current business faster? Globally, it is one of the main questions for investors. The classical finance world has undoubtedly changed after the appearance of the Bitcoin. There is no way back. Assets tokenization with the Smartlands Platform provides a set of opportunities and benefits for real economy companies. We are developing a way of transforming of the real-world assets into the digital ones.

Set your money free

The Smartlands Platform provides an opportunity to invest your money in digitized assets of a real economic sector and get an easy trackable profit. On the one hand, we help companies to tokenize their assets and on the other hand, we help investors who want to get higher returns taking reasonable risks. Thus, we will connect companies with legally compliant tokens securely collateralized by assets and investors from all over the globe. It’s up to you- to be among the former or the latter.

Stumbling blocks in the way of attracting money

Challenges of attracting investments for real economy companies lie in a complex, time-consuming and costly process of attracting investments by using traditional financial instruments. The main obstacles are:

  • market regulation lacks flexibility
  • barriers for investors that leads to lack of funding sources
  • many expensive intermediaries
  • overlooking of new technologies that can facilitate investments
As a result of the complexity of the process a lot of attractive investment opportunities are not funded and a profit is lost

Tokenization as the future of investment banking

Smartlands Platform considers an opportunity to make asset-backed tokens (ABT) a new financial instrument capable of disrupting financial markets and increasing the efficiency of raising capital for real economy companies. ABT designed by the Smartlands Platform can be regarded as significantly revised and upgraded asset-backed securities (ABS) that neatly fit in with all real economy assets.

Past and future of investment banking

What are the benefits for companies and investors?

To tokenize your assets you need to go through the registration procedure at our Platform. After making sure that you meet all the requirements, after an audit and collateralization you will be ready to issue your own ABT (asset-backed tokens) and attract new investors by selling them on exchanges. We will help you to manage all the procedures and reach your final goal. To invest your money in already issued ABT you need to register at our Platform, go through KYC procedures and get your own blockchain wallet.

Idea behind ABTs on the Smartlands Platform

The idea lies in the creation of a new class of low-risk tokens based on real economy assets. It will change the whole efficient frontier of the crypto investment portfolios and increase the expected yield for each level of risk.

Low risk due to collateralization of assets in the real economy:

  • No or negative correlation with cryptocurrencies
  • Sustainably increasing profits
  • Future-proof legal framework
  • Application of blockchain technology to remedy trust issues
  • Advanced monitoring techniques with IoT, big data, AI, drones/robots for enhanced transparency.

Technological Landscape of Smartlands Platform

That’s it! Leave old-school traditions behind and think out of the box by investing or attracting investments (by digitizing your assets).



DF Platform

DF Platform - a comprehensive fundraising tool for the real economy. Enhanced liquidity for startups and established businesses.