Smartlands monthly roundup: May newsletter

DF Platform
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2021

Hi everyone, this is the May edition of Smartlands monthly — your source of the news and updates on all our projects!

Last month, our team was focused on working with a number of real estate assets to select and onboard the best ones; apart from this, the technical team dedicated its time to the extensive updates for the platform and finalizing the wallet’s development.

Please see below the highlights of this period.

As a part of Smartlands introduction to the Ukrainian business audience, we are preparing a series of interviews to explain the nature of the platform and all the benefits it offers to asset owners and investors. Here are some of the videos:

Martin Birch: Smartlands platform helps SME to fund

Martin Birch: Blockchain, Ukraine, and profit with Smartlands

Eugene Barsukov, Director of BIG U: New opportunities that Smartlands opens up for SME

More videos with partners and the team to follow.

The official launch of Smartlands Platform: initial listings.

We are delighted to announce the first assets listed on the Smartlands Platform. Three properties in Kyiv have successfully fulfilled the onboarding stage and are available for investment, they are:

  • LINER Business Center
  • 4U Residential Complex
  • B-52 Mebli Shopping Center

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Smartlands Platform: new listing.

Another asset listed on the Smartlands Platform is

  • Rybna 3, Restaurant, Lviv — This HoReCa complex envisages the reconstruction of the building located in the heart of the historical part of Lviv. This city is known for its hospitality and attracts many visitors from all over Ukraine and neighboring countries. The reconstruction plan is aiming to create a contemporary space up to the highest standards of modern design.

To summarise the financial part of the listings, at the moment, the total value of the properties listed is 79 mln USD. The total amount of investment target is 20.1 mln USD with IRR from 10 to 15%.

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Just a reminder to all SLT holders.

For the last year, there were dozens of cases of sending coins to the company’s account. The problem is that it’s an issuing account; it’s not set to receive any transfers. All tokens sent to this account are being burnt and couldn’t be recovered regardless of the amount.

Before launching the updated wallet, we would like to remind you of quite a simple thing. When sending your SLT, please double-check the address you are sending to and make sure it is the right one.

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Our launch as seen by the cult media about bitcoin blockchain technology and the digital economy: the article on (in Russian).

As always, please, feel free to give us your feedback on social media or the telegram community. We appreciate your involvement and interest.

We are working hard to give you more exciting news shortly,
Smartlands Team

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DF Platform - a comprehensive fundraising tool for the real economy. Enhanced liquidity for startups and established businesses.