The official launch of Smartlands Platform: the main stages

DF Platform
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2021

Kyiv Ukraine, April 30, 2021: Smartlands announces the launch of its alternative investment project — beta version of the real estate marketplace.

We are delighted to announce the official start of our ambitious journey of tokenizing the real economy. This project has already won a lot of attention and interest from a global crypto audience. We are delighted to now confirm our plans and expectations from now until the end of 2021.

The legal framework developed together with Quantum Attorneys gives us three scenarios that we are planning to use. It allows us to start operating before the law on digital assets comes into force.

The first step that we are implementing now is a soft launch. We will present the profitable asset portfolio to HNWIs, institutional investors, and family offices worldwide. At the second step, we will utilize our existing European legal framework in Liechtenstein jurisdiction to offer tokenized assets to the retail investors. Our fund licensed in Liechtenstein will be issuing tokens under the Liechtenstein Blockchain Act.

Finally, when the new legislation comes into force in Ukraine, we will unlock all the benefits and value propositions of pure asset-backed tokens such as transferability, secondary market, even exchange listings, and more utility functions for the ABTs.

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DF Platform

DF Platform - a comprehensive fundraising tool for the real economy. Enhanced liquidity for startups and established businesses.