Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2018


Testnet of SmartMesh Public Chain SMChain is Online on March 15th! How Far Away is Off-Internet Payment by Mobile Raiden?

On March 9th, 2018, SmartMesh announced a breaking news — The SmartMesh public chain SMChain will be tested online on March 15, 2018! SmartMesh is the first blockchain based project that proposed Off-Internet payment and Mobile Raiden. By reading this, do you have the feeling that the functionality by science fiction is becoming a reality?

SmartMesh followers around the world must have been deeply impressed by the progress of project.

SMChain is the public chain of SmartMesh ecological system, the online testing provides key support to the development of SmartMesh ecological system. Based on Ethereum, the SmartMesh team modified the consensus mechanism of SMChain block generation, which not only can maintain the normal block generation under the scenario of reward-free or intervention-free, but also can automatically select the most appropriate block device within network, thus ensuring fairness, stability and safety.

SMChain has the basic functionalities comparable to all the other public chains, on which everyone is eligible to read data, send transactions with effective confirmation, and everyone can participate in the process of consensus. The online testing of SMChain marks the real start of the ecological construction of SmartMesh.

Blessed by widely attention, MeshBox is the first ecological project based on SMChain aiming to achieve value generation, value exchange and information interaction, and we foresee that a variety of projects will be joining SMChain. It is worth mentioning that joining SMChain is equivalent to embracing an undeveloped Off-Internet market, which is an irresistible attraction for DAPP service providers.

Certainly, providing an undeveloped market for the other projects also contributes the development of SmartMesh. When projects join SMChain, their transaction on SMChain will be charged by SMT token, which will lead to frequent utility of SMT token, thus the circulation of SMT token will be greatly improved. This win-win situation will help SmartMesh to be the top-performer among the world’s blockchain projects and maximize the value of SMChain.

Let’s have some insight into the relationship between SMChain public chain and Mobile Raiden.

Traditional Raiden payments can only be run on an online PC or server with relatively fast Token transaction speed, however, it is not convenient for the large number of users who rely heavily on smartphones. People need better experience in convenience for Token payment.

When SMChain is officially launched, it will be the first public chain for mobile payment of Token in the world, and people can make Off-Internet payment through Mobile Raiden. More importantly, with the aid of SMChain, Mobile Raiden could be applied to the areas where there is no Internet and help them to build up new payment mode with combination of Off-Internet payment and cash payment, which will eventually contribute to the economic development of these areas. If the traditional Raiden is not integrated with SMChain, Mobile Raiden network wont work in unconnected areas.

Therefore, the SmartMesh team is deeply convinced that when SMChain is officially launched and applied, more and more people will truly experience the changes triggered by blockchain technology, and this online testing is the first step towards it!




SmartMesh is a blockchain based underlying protocol of the Internet of Things.