5 reasons why you should start a coding school in your city

Miha Fabjan
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2018

Coding schools are a very popular way to learn IT skills. Many coding schools or Bootcamps are popping up all over the globe to offer people ways to launch their career in the IT.

Edtech is a very interesting business opportunity for many companies and entrepreneurs. Here are five reasons why starting a coding school in your city is a great business idea.

1. Help young people to get jobs in a fast-growing industry

Jobs are changing. Many young people nowadays study for jobs that might no longer exist in the next 5–10 years. This will result in big changes in the educational sector all over the world.

The Internet has been a huge game changer in how we do our jobs today and many young people are interested in discovering skills that could land them a job in the IT field. Coding schools are a great alternative for young people to learn those skills and find a better future for themselves.

2. Help people be better at their current job

With digital transformation happening all over different industries, many jobs now require new skillsets from their employees. Implementing a new technology could be a burden to people but if the employees embrace changes they could really benefit from it (for example: automating boring and repetitive tasks etc.)

Also, informal learning is becoming more acceptable by many companies with a goal to create skilled employees to compete in today’s world. Coding schools can help companies and their employees learn useful IT skills.

Coding schools are a great option for young people to learn IT skills.

3. Support local IT companies

Many IT companies are competing with each other to get software developers. They offer big salaries and other benefits to attract IT talent. Usually, companies with a bigger budget have an advantage. But this is in no way a good long-term strategy.

Coding schools help bring new people with IT skills to the job market. Companies are more and more keen to employ junior developers and give them the experience they need to become fully independent programmers.

4. Demand for IT skills is growing every year

The demand for people with IT skills is growing rapidly year by year. Many studies show that the gap between demand and supply of IT people in the market is getting bigger and bigger.

Formal education (like universities) cannot keep up with the demand and rapid changes in new technologies. Coding schools are a good way to close this gap. Also, many IT companies do not care about an official university degree anymore. Instead, they value practical skills.

5. It’s a great business opportunity

From our experience, running a coding school is a great business that can work very well in many cities. IT skills are something that many people want (or need) to learn today and the trend is growing every year. Running a coding school is something you should definitely consider.

What now?

SmartNinja’s mission is simple: “Creating Ninjas of the 21st Century” by helping people discover and grow their IT skills.

We are working towards this goal every day and can also help you do the same via our coding school franchise.

If you are interested, learn more about how to start a coding school in your city and build a profitable side-business (click here).

SmartNinja is one of the fastest growing coding school franchises.

Also, make sure to follow our channel on Medium. More posts will follow on this topic soon!



Miha Fabjan

Creating Ninjas of the 21st Century at SmartNinja