Learn to code: Online VS in-person coding courses

Miha Fabjan
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2018

Let’s assume that you are now 100% sure that you would like to learn how to code. Great! But the next question is: “How?” There is a ton of material, online courses, part-time or full-time in-person courses out there. So where should you start?

Should you learn to code online or in-person?

It all depends on your personal preferences and how well do you know yourself. Learning how to code is a process that will take a lot of time and energy from you. So before you start you should really think about what type of learning process works for you. If you are well organized, self-motivated and like working alone then probably a good way to start is by applying to some online course and kick-off there. On the other hand, if you have trouble staying focus, you tend to lose interest soon and you prefer working in teams then in-person course should work a better for you.

Why should you apply to online coding course?

There are a lot of different online courses with thousands of student enrolling every year. Their learning method and curriculums are getting better and better every year. Online courses provide a well-tested curriculum. They also may offer online mentoring help and online student community.

Some of them also offer job placement program. You usually can choose your own study pace so you can fit learning process into your busy life. Online courses tend to be way cheaper than in-person courses. You can find a lot of good courses also for free. Some offer a monthly subscription. Some just one-time fee. Price for an online course may vary from 0 EUR- 5.000 EUR or more.

Why should you apply to in-person coding course?

In-person courses (Bootcamp or part-time courses) are very popular. In almost every big city you have different in-person courses that you can attend. In-person courses tend to be more structured which is important when learning more complex skills (like programming). Good structure keeps you more organized and motivated to learn faster and more effective. Also having a mentor or instructor tend to be a great lifesaver when you hit a wall. Which you definitely will. :)

Learning environment also matters. Being surrounded by a group of like-minded people helps you stay motivated throughout the whole program. In-person courses also tend to prepare you better for the working environment. If you want a job as a developer you will be working with the team of other developers. So in-person courses build your social skills. On the other side, in-person course are often more expensive than online (but not necessarily).

Online VS in-person coding courses

Online Course

  • Your own pace and location
  • Low social interaction
  • Requires high self-discipline and self-motivation
  • A LOT of courses. Which results in not knowing where to start.
  • More flexibility.
  • You get experience working on your own.
  • Often lower cost
  • You’re on your own when you’re stuck.

In-person Course

  • Scheduled, limited by location.
  • Interaction with other students and instructor
  • Fellow students to motivate and encourage
  • A clear path from beginner to advanced.
  • More structured.
  • You get experience working on/with a team.
  • Usually higher cost
  • You have a mentor to help you.

Try it out and see

At the end of the day, it is up to you. What do you think is the best way for you to learn? Learn how to code can be a very rewarding skill in this day and age. It just the matter of your actions what will you do after you read this article. If you ask me, you should do it today! Apply for the course. Online or in-person.

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Miha Fabjan

Creating Ninjas of the 21st Century at SmartNinja