SmartOne: Ready for a Second Phase

Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2017

3 December 2017 — Switzerland — SmartOne, aiming to deliver access to legal services for the crypto community by creating an ecosystem and a marketplace for digital lawyers to advise clients on the Blockchain, announces the end of its phase 1 of contributions with a total commitment of USD 2.3 Millions coming from various sources such as TaaS — Token-as-a-Service.

With a large support from institutions for the SmartOne Web3App; featuring a phase driven integration and natively integrated KYC verification; the team is now looking at a new approach to sign transactions for upcoming launches under their umbrella (see further development).

Standby and Fixing

With such an unexpected rise in the price of the Ethers, a price adjustment for the LEGAL tokens is needed.

“The “standby” phase was built by our team to adjust for such possible happenings. Our technical personnel is now modifying the Web3App for the upcoming phase 2. SmartOne is not about money but about progress.”
Said Patrick Salm, Co-Founder of SmartOne

With such events occuring, SmartOne will be giving additional tokens as a compensation to early contributors. (More about this subject will soon follow in a short article where the community will be personally informed.)

New phase 2 adjustments:
1 Legal = 0.00211 ETH
(for KYC verified account, exchange rate Coinmarketcap of 1st December 2017 @ 20:55 UTC: 1 ETH = 473 USD).

This means, a contributor will receive the following LGL per ETH:
- No Verification: 412 per 1 ETH
- SMS Verified: 453 per 1 ETH
- KYC Verified: 473 per 1 ETH

Further Development

Ledger Wallet:
SmartOne technical team is currently working on a full Ledger Wallet support for their Web3App in order to provide the possibility to the public to use their secure hardware wallet.

KYC Verification Rate:
SmartOne is open to provide the KYC verification rate on contributions (depending of the situation) to persons that would get in contact with the team after the end of this phase.

Sign Transactions for KYC Integration of third Parties:
SmartOne’s objective is to integrate an external KYC provider seamlessly into their Web3App. The problem being faced is that without a signed transaction, an authenticity can not be guaranteed.

The solution that was found is the following: A user signs the email address that he intends to sign up in the fidentity tool with his private key and pass the resulting signature and email to a partner in order to start the KYC process.

The given message and the public key used to create the signature is stored in an internal database. Once the KYC check from fidentity is completed, the signature is used as the foreign key to link an Ethereum account to the KYC provider and to write the result in the blockchain.




SmartOne aims to bring the disruptive capabilities of blockchain-based enterprise to the legal sector by creating a means of access to legal services.