BlackBerry OS 6.0 screenshots and information

Justin Cauchon
Smartphone Nation
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2010

The Boy Genius Report got screenshots and information on what they believe to be BlackBerry OS 6.0. The much needed BlackBerry update brings along some really neat changes that are said to be available in June or July. Check out the changes below.

  • The home screen brings some new graphics and a new look, however there does not seem to be any widgets. The browser, which uses Webkit, now has tabs and a multitouch
  • The media player has been redone with a new look and allows for scrolling through album covers to choose a song
  • There is multitouch throughout the whole OS and there is kinetic scrolling
  • The messages box has a new look that makes everything look cleaner
  • Touchscreen BlackBerry devices will have the capability to press and hold things for another pop up menu
  • The photo album application has been updated to be easier to scroll through photos

Check out more pictures after the jump!



Justin Cauchon
Smartphone Nation

Living in Mountain View, CA. Boston-raised. Product Manager.