Skyfire browser in Alpha for BlackBerry

Justin Cauchon
Smartphone Nation
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2009

Skyfire has been a piece of software that Windows Mobile and Symbian users have been blessed with for a while now. Skyfire is a browser that essentially gives you the same web experience as the one you would get on the computer. Skyfire will play in browser videos and supports full Flash and Windows Media videos, including Flash 10 and Silverlight 2.0. However, until now BlackBerry users have not been able to get this browser for their phones. Skyfire has started a private alpha process for the browser, and will eventually open it up to the public after all the kinks are worked out. Check out the full email that was sent out after the jump

We are looking for early Alpha testers to help us develop Skyfire for BlackBerry. If you like to be the first on the block, and on the bleeding edge (bugs!), please sign up and give us a steady stream of feedback so together we can make browsing on the BlackBerry the best it can be.

To participate, you will need:
• BlackBerry Bold, Curve, Pearl or 8830 (Note: we are kick starting the alpha with the Bold)
• Live in the US
• Participate under NDA
• Post your feedback and experience in our User Forum
• Be capable and willing to install new alpha releases as we publish them

Skyfire Support




Justin Cauchon
Smartphone Nation

Living in Mountain View, CA. Boston-raised. Product Manager.