iPhone Brought Her Story To Life

Susy Botello
Smartphone Filmmaking
4 min readMay 5, 2020
Inga Vosk, Writer & Director. Best Feature Film Award IMFF 2020, #Stealth

She had a screenplay and a vision. Inga Vosk believed in her story. She had a dream to realize the story as a movie. A feature film. She didn’t know how. She had never directed a short or feature film. But she had a vision and an iPhone.

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Episode 79 of the SBP Podcast Mobile Filmmaking is an in-depth discussion with the winner of the Best Feature Film award at the 2020 International Mobile Film Festival in San Diego. Her film, Stealth (hashtag Stealth) was shot with iPhones in St. Petersburg, Russia.

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After hearing her story first hand, I could connect — I know you will too. All of us have done things in our lives…we have all met a challenge dead between the eyes. Our desire to realize something and the realization of not knowing how does not make it impossible. Inga’s vision of her story as a film and her possession of a smartphone crossed the line where many do not go. Inga Vosk works in animation as a writer and director and she has plans to direct more films now that she has had a successful experience as a filmmaker.

Many people have a dream to do something, or create something, and don’t. Fewer people face the fear unless they are driven by their belief. They say you have to see it to believe it. Perhaps that’s why having a vision is so important to realizing it. Inga Vosk certainly envisioned her film and she developed a passion to make the film. Passion is an endless supply of energy. Once she began her quest, it all came together — fast. Just a few days after finding a crew for her film, production began. It took just 9 days to shoot, even with the locations for scenes spread throughout St. Petersburg. She mentions one location being a 1–2 hour drive.

Stealth has an incredible twist where everything comes together in the end. Inga Vosk’s style as a director holds the viewer in a state of suspension throughout the film wondering what is happening and why.

The characters are intense and their connection to the story bring you into their voyage through the city and the plot of the story. The protagonists of the story are Cucumber, Nikita Sanaev; Alla, Anna Bachalova; Nikitos, Kirill Kovbas; and Angelina, Svetlana Buhtoyarova. Stealth is a 90 minute adventure.

On set of #STEALTH with crew and actors.

With a crew of five, a few actors, a script and an iPhone she did it. This feature film was her first film. It was the first film she had ever directed, it was her directorial debut. And #MFF2020SanDiego was her last film festival showing.

Inga was set to come from St. Petersburg to San Diego and present her film with a Q&A discussion during the IMFF 2020. The festival was scheduled to take place April 24–26, 2020. However, due to the Corona COVID-19 Virus, IMFF turned into a virtual event. I asked Inga about her experience being part of our film festival and as a virtual film festival.

SBP Podcast: The Voice of Mobile Film™ is for everyone who ever wanted to or is curious about making movies and videos using smartphones.

Watch the trailer for #STEALTH and if it is still available, go to the Virtual IMFF 2020 to watch the entire feature film.

STEALTH Full Film:

IMFF Virtual Film Festival:

Follow Inga Vosk:

IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9003432/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voskinga/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/voskinga

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Susy Botello
Smartphone Filmmaking

Official International Mobile Film Festival founder - S. Botello Productions. Mobile Film Advocate & Podcaster. http://sbppodcast.studio