5 Tricks to Stay in Control of Your Treats

Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2016

Happy Halloween, SmartPlaters! Or should we say, Doomsday for our goals? There are so many treats going around, and it’s all too sweet to resist. You may feel like you’re going to give into the holiday spirit, but rest assured, there is no need to be frightened.

Here are some tricks to help you stay on track and make Halloween enjoyable at the same time:

The oldest trick in the book

Stick to your usual meal plan like you would on any other non-spooky day to feel full when trick-or-treating time rolls around. Make time for healthy snacks between mealtimes while you’re at work. It’s tempting to skip a meal to save some room for those Halloween calories, but the last thing you want are those cravings to pop out and scare you.

Orange you glad it’s healthy?

If you’re hosting a fright night, be brave — there are plenty of healthy snack ideas to bring out of the shadows around this time of year. Do everyone and yourself a favor at your next zombie-themed party. This creamy pea mix with tombstone-shaped croutons only takes 15 minutes to make and is just the perfect appetizer for it too!

Eat smart, not Smarties (Just kidding, they’re only 25 calories!)

Before you start unraveling those wrappers, get an idea of what 150 calories of your favorite candy looks like. Understanding portion control comes in handy, especially during this holiday season.

If you need help measuring the nutritional value of your treats, visit getsmartplate.com or check out our blog for additional information to better serve your future!

Don’t lose your head over portion control.

Be the hero Halloween deserves

Take this opportunity to be the unsung hero of Halloween by giving out bouncy balls, sidewalk chalk, hacky sacks, and any other toys instead of candy to promote physical activity.

Think of it this way — the kids in your neighborhood are going to harvest more than enough candy throughout the night, and the last thing you need in your house is a ton of leftovers tempting you the next day.

One day they will thank you for it. Maybe.

What happens on Halloween, stays on Halloween

Speaking of leftover candy, throw it all out or give it away as soon as Halloween ends. Your goal should be to deal with temptations as soon as possible. When preparing for Halloween, only purchase candy on the day of, and afterwards avoid the candy sales!

It’s not ogre yet

Follow these tricks to keep your Halloween and mealtimes as enjoyable as always. Remember your long-term goals for a healthier lifestyle, and to remain in control. You’ve already made progress; so don’t let one holiday be the end of your journey!




SmartPlate takes the burden out of mealtimes. Know what you’re eating, and reach real goals. www.getsmartplate.com