Losing Weight is a Team Effort

Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2016

So you’ve begun your journey toward a healthier lifestyle. That’s great! But to put it lightly, it’s going to be a difficult road ahead. Some will even try to say, impossible. You may think this endeavor is personal and whether you succeed or fail is all on you, but actually, you’ll need a team.

Here are your key members to help achieve your goals:

Someone with the same goals as you

Scouring through hundreds of motivational quotes on the Internet can only get you so far. It’s important to make exercising a social interaction before it becomes just another chore. The last thing you want is to lose touch and feel as if your workouts are getting in the way. You should always treat your workouts as a crucial part of your healthy future. A workout buddy will remind you of that!

You’ll feel so much more accountable knowing that another person is waiting and relying on you. Individuals who sign up for the gym alone are 43% more likely to drop out shortly after. That rate is only 6.3% for those who join with a friend.

The key, in a sense, is to constantly help each other achieve more. For example, when you or your buddy is struggling on that last mile or rep, be each other’s personal coach or cheerleader. A whole new world of two-person exercises also opens up opportunities for fitness outside of the gym. It also goes without saying that the sweat and tears you two will pour into losing weight will make for excellent bonding time.

Band Jumps to strengthen the core and friendship.

Your modern-day sidekick

You and your workout buddy will most likely come upon a week when you’re both too busy to schedule as many workouts as you’d like.

So, along with your workout buddy, use devices such as your smartphone or fitness watch to stay on track. Smart devices keep you in touch with your progress and even your buddy’s progress when they’re not around. Fitocracy, for instance, lets you track and compete with your friends’ progress. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone and is another great way to push yourself.

A little friendly competition doesn’t hurt. Most of the time.

There’s one last teammate you’ll need. SmartPlate should join you during mealtimes since smarter eating habits are as important as exercising when it comes to your weight loss journey. With food recognition technology that measures your meals and provides nutritional information, SmartPlate can further help you achieve your goals. Visit getsmartplate.com for more information on how SmartPlate can serve your future.




SmartPlate takes the burden out of mealtimes. Know what you’re eating, and reach real goals. www.getsmartplate.com