ChargeBee: Sales Email Campaign
Smart Sales Emails
Published in
5 min readOct 6, 2017

Company: ChargeBee

Day 0

Subject: Question for {!company}


Hey {!first_name},

Quick intro: My name is Jane & I head Business Development at Chargebee, a subscription billing product backed by Accel Partners & Tiger Global.

I was wondering if you currently use an external subscription billing platform for {!company}?

Chargebee could be a great fit if you don’t. Building subscription billing capabilities with your own developers internally can be a resource-consuming challenge — we provide a ready to use billing platform, so you don’t need to build from scratch.

I can send you more info on what we do if you’re interested. I don’t mean to be intrusive, but it’d be awesome if we had an opportunity to work together.


Jane Collins

Chargebee tours: San Francisco | London

Day 10

Subject: Re-connecting


Hey {!first_name},

Just following up on this.

More context on Chargebee: we serve over 5,000 customers in 53 countries, including Okta, Freshservice, Knewton & Calendly.

Our goal is to help scaling Software companies automate their billing & subscription management, so they can focus on building their own product, without caving into distractions caused by the inefficiencies of their billing systems.

Can we help {!company} with this?


Jane Collins

Chargebee tours: San Francisco | London

On Fri Sep 15 2017 at 7:08:02 AM wrote:

Hey {!first_name},

Quick intro: My name is Jane & I head Business Development at Chargebee, a subscription billing product backed by Accel Partners & Tiger Global.

I was wondering if you currently use an external subscription billing platform for {!company}?

Chargebee could be a great fit if you don’t. Building subscription billing capabilities with your own developers internally can be a resource-consuming challenge — we provide a ready to use billing platform, so you don’t need to build from scratch.

I can send you more info on what we do if you’re interested. I don’t mean to be intrusive, but it’d be awesome if we had an opportunity to work together.


Jane Collins

Chargebee tours: San Francisco | London

Day 13

Subject: Re-connecting


Hey {!first_name},

Just bumping this up. If you’re not the right person to discuss this with, could you connect me to the relevant contact at {!company}?

Suggestion: Finance teams tend to love the product, so a connection to your VP Finance / CFO / Accountant would be ideal.

Thanks so much for your time.

Jane Collins

Chargebee tours: San Francisco | London

On Tue Sep 26 2017 at 5:20:32 AM wrote:

Hey {!first_name},

Just following up on this.

More context on Chargebee: we serve over 5,000 customers in 53 countries, including Okta, Freshservice, Knewton & Calendly.

Our goal is to help scaling Software companies automate their billing & subscription management, so they can focus on building their own product, without caving into distractions caused by the inefficiencies of their billing systems.

Can we help {!company} with this?


Jane Collins

Chargebee tours: San Francisco | London

On Fri Sep 15 2017 at 7:08:02 AM wrote:

Hey {!first_name},

Quick intro: My name is Jane & I head Business Development at Chargebee, a subscription billing product backed by Accel Partners & Tiger Global.

I was wondering if you currently use an external subscription billing platform for {!company}?

Chargebee could be a great fit if you don’t. Building subscription billing capabilities with your own developers internally can be a resource-consuming challenge — we provide a ready to use billing platform, so you don’t need to build from scratch.

I can send you more info on what we do if you’re interested. I don’t mean to be intrusive, but it’d be awesome if we had an opportunity to work together.


Jane Collins

Chargebee tours: San Francisco | London

Day 20

Subject: Connect to your colleague


Hi {!first_name},

I had recently e-mailed you about subscription billing solutions for {!company}. I’d greatly appreciate a connection to the right person in your company to discuss this.

Thanks in advance!


Jane Collins

Chargebee tours: San Francisco | London

On Fri Sep 29 2017 at 5:18:32 AM wrote:

Hey {!first_name},

Just bumping this up. If you’re not the right person to discuss this with, could you connect me to the relevant contact at {!company}?

Suggestion: Finance teams tend to love the product, so a connection to your VP Finance / CFO / Accountant would be ideal.

Thanks so much for your time.

Jane Collins

Chargebee tours: San Francisco | London

On Tue Sep 26 2017 at 5:20:32 AM wrote:

Hey {!first_name},

Just following up on this.

More context on Chargebee: we serve over 5,000 customers in 53 countries, including Okta, Freshservice, Knewton & Calendly.

Our goal is to help scaling Software companies automate their billing & subscription management, so they can focus on building their own product, without caving into distractions caused by the inefficiencies of their billing systems.

Can we help {!company} with this?


Jane Collins

Chargebee tours: San Francisco | London

On Fri Sep 15 2017 at 7:08:02 AM wrote:

Hey {!first_name},

Quick intro: My name is Jane & I head Business Development at Chargebee, a subscription billing product backed by Accel Partners & Tiger Global.

I was wondering if you currently use an external subscription billing platform for {!company}?

Chargebee could be a great fit if you don’t. Building subscription billing capabilities with your own developers internally can be a resource-consuming challenge — we provide a ready to use billing platform, so you don’t need to build from scratch.

I can send you more info on what we do if you’re interested. I don’t mean to be intrusive, but it’d be awesome if we had an opportunity to work together.


Jane Collins

Chargebee tours: San Francisco | London

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