Gusto: Sales Email Campaign
Smart Sales Emails
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2017

Company: Gusto

Day 0

Subject: thoughts on Gusto?


Hi {!first_name},

I know these sales emails can be a little awkward so here’s a picture of our company dog, Finnley, standing on a desk to break the ice:

Now that we’re old friends, if you had to give your current payroll provider a score between 1 and 10 what would it be?

If you didn’t just yell “10!” at your monitor, here are two very simple, very good reasons why we should have a quick conversation about moving {!company}’s payroll to Gusto:
Things move faster on Gusto. Running payroll takes anywhere between 36 seconds and 10 minutes.
I promise to include another picture of Finnley in my next email.
Looking forward to filling up your inbox with pics of this cute dog,


Jane Collins
Market Development | Gusto
Book Me!

noun | (guhs-toh)
great enjoyment, energy, and enthusiasm
ex: Jane hikes the Blue Ridge Mountains #WithGusto

Day 3

Subject: Re: thoughts on Gusto?


Hi {!first_name},

Any thoughts on that?


P.S. Finnley brought in a friend to work today and I just had to share:

Jane Collins
Market Development | Gusto
Book Me!

noun | (guhs-toh)
great enjoyment, energy, and enthusiasm
ex: Jane hikes the Blue Ridge Mountains #WithGusto

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