Leftronic: Sales Email

Smart Sales Emails
Published in
1 min readOct 7, 2017

Company: Leftronic

Subject: Business dashboards for your office


Hi {!first_name},

I’m Jane, one of the founders of Leftronic. We have developed a software service that makes it incredibly easy for you to set up business dashboards in your office!

I’d really appreciate it if you would take a moment to test out your Leftronic dashboards. If you would like help setting them up, please let me know and we can assist you right away.



Jane Collins| Founder | Leftronic
xxxxx@leftronic.com | xxx-xxx-xxxx
459 Fulton St #204 | San Francisco, CA 94102

Disclaimer: I sent you this message because I believe it is relevant to you. If not, please let me know. Regardless, you will not hear from me again unless you respond.

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