Driving this is the fact that we now live in a direct economy, in which consumers are interacting more directly with companies and brands.

3 Trends Defining the Future of Creative Workflows

Authors: Brian Bosché and Daniel Bloom

Published in
6 min readMar 5, 2019


If you’re on a marketing or creative team, you know it’s true: The best creative ideas can be killed off by bad processes. We felt this struggle acutely at our own creative agency, trying to manage content creation, reviews, and approvals between teams and clients in different cities and times zones. In one case, we were working with a client in Boston and their partner in Malaysia to try to finalize a video using our hacked-together system of tools and communication channels. It was a mess.

We knew weren’t the only ones facing this challenge, and no one had a good solution; everyone was just piecing tools together to try and make it work. Yet the problem was so acute and so stifling to our team’s innovation that we actually created a new technology and launched Slope, a cloud-based platform that enables creative teams to transform their workflows, so they can focus more on the creative, and less on the process.

We’ve spent years thinking about these workflows, and the major trends that are evolving that have significant impact on teams’ abilities to get creative work done. Here’s how we see the nature of creative work — and virtually all content creation — changing, and how technology can help.

1. High-Volume, High-Velocity Content Creation Moves In-House

Content production is increasing in volume and velocity for companies of all sizes. Driving this is the fact that we now live in a direct economy, in which consumers are interacting more directly with companies and brands. Traditionally, Fortune 500 companies were the ones who could reach customers, because they had the big TV budgets or billboard budgets, and those were the only ways to reach customers.

Now, with social media, online advertising, and email, any company can reach their customers directly with a very low budget. This has opened up a huge amount of opportunity for companies across industries to communicate effectively with customers. In order to meet the demand for all of the content that these companies need to create, they’ve brought creative teams in-house.

And because they’re making creative work a core competency, most of our customers have an in-house creative team that’s running Agile (two- or three-week sprints) and is turning things out daily. So we’re seeing a trend toward both volume and agility: the amount of content produced in-house is increasing, and teams need to turn it around quickly, given the nature of today’s marketing platforms. Social media can be a real challenge for brands; if you don’t respond nearly instantaneously, you lose the opportunity to engage in the conversation on real-time platforms. Yet in order for a brand to produce and publish a tweet, say, someone needs to create the image, write the copy, and then maybe two people need to look at it to approve. Brands need an easy way to quickly create it, send it out, get it approved, and get it done.

2. Creative Work Isn’t Limited to Marketing Teams

The second trend we’re seeing is that creative content proliferates across all parts of the organization, not just marketing. Work across all verticals and horizontals is increasingly visual, and most types of work involve the creation and sharing of some kind of content. Every individual, team, department, and organization has to produce and consume content.

To give some examples, HR needs to make recruiting materials and training materials to keep their part of the business running. Sales has pitch decks and proposals that have to go out today. Legal has contracts have to go out as soon as possible. In every department, materials need to be reviewed and approved quickly as part of a project workflow. But increasingly, legacy tools are hindering rather than furthering this process with seemingly endless email back-and-forth, status-update meetings, and disconnected information.

3. Multiple Locations and Remote Workers Adds to Complexity

As creative work accelerates, production, feedback, and approvals need to happen quickly. Yet teams working in different locations and the trend toward remote work make reviewing visual work more challenging. The days of printing out a comp and having someone sign off are numbered. People can’t just turn and look at their neighbor’s screen or do a drive-by to give feedback when they’re in different cities or countries.

At the same time, it’s not just the marketing team that needs to sign off on creative work. Product and technical leads and other subject-matter experts who may not have access to the cloud-based creative tools that designers use still need to participate in feedback and review cycles.

This decentralization of work adds complexity to the process. Given that everyone is in different locations, we need to be able to collaborate, contribute feedback, review, and approve creative in a space that’s shared by everyone. And that’s where Smartsheet and Slope come in.

Building a Powerful New Tool for Creatives

We created Slope to respond to these trends and solve the workflow challenges that creative teams face when producing content. When we looked at our roadmap and looked at Smartsheet, we thought “Well, Smartsheet has everything we want to build for our largest customers. Everything.” Joining Smartsheet just became a no-brainer.; we were acquired by Smartsheet earlier this year. We’re excited to begin our journey with Smartsheet to solve complex marketing and creative development workflows for customers.

For starters, we’re looking forward to bringing our markup and annotation capabilities to Smartsheet. People love Smartsheet, but they miss out on smart markups that enable them to smoothly manage content production. Right now, if you’re using Smartsheet to manage all of your work, and then using a separate tool to capture and track creative review markups, those things don’t talk to each other. So you’re copying and pasting links into one place or another, and possibly sharing links with people who don’t have access to your markup tool.

Soon, Slope’s content collaboration features will be built into Smartsheet, providing Smartsheet users new intuitive content review and markup capabilities for giving feedback on images, videos, documents, and other content directly in the app. For example, in Slope, you can watch a video and leave time-stamped comments and markup the frame-by-frame right next to the video, rather than sending an email with the time codes for where you want things changed.

By building content collaboration functionality into Smartsheet, we are looking to make this process one concise, cohesive experience for customers, where everything they need is in the same place. So when someone new comes in and says, “Hey, I’m looking for this video to review,” they can find it and review it directly in the app. Their efficiency level goes through the roof, because they’re not bouncing between products, things aren’t saved in odd places, and they don’t need logins for all these different tools. It’s just one seamless experience.

We’re also excited to combine the power of our markup technology with the automated actions that Smartsheet offers. In our experience, many companies have to go through so many rounds of review and approvals, it’s challenging to keep track of the process. The way we built Slope, someone managing reviews would have to remember to invite the right people individually every time a review was needed.

With Smartsheet, you can say, “Okay, this group needs to review things at these four different stages,” and then turn that into an automated workflow. Then you just initiate the workflow, and reviews and approvals are triggered appropriately, and progress is tracked automatically. We think an integration that combines our markup technology with Smartsheet’s automated workflows will add a ton of value for all of our customers.

And our work doesn’t stop there. In addition to enhancing Smartsheet’s core product, we’ll work together to build Smartsheet Accelerators to help our customers better manage their marketing and creative development workflows at scale, with solutions they can implement quickly to get their creative pipeline flowing.

We are already in the midst of transitioning to a world in which content creation is part of all work, and we need to think about how our tools provide us with a seamless, integrated workflow. Rather than attaching files to emails — or even sending them through Slack — we are working toward a time when managing content is just part of the workflow, complete with version control and markup capabilities. We look forward to continuing our work toward that vision, and to what we can accomplish here at Smartsheet.

Read more: Smartsheet Acquires Slope to Enhance Creative Content Review, Proofing and Approval Capabilities

