Don’t Aim For Work-Life Balance. Aim For Work-Life Fulfillment

Kara Woods Hamilton
Smartsheet News
6 min readApr 23, 2019


Every one of us, if we are lucky, is given a fresh 168 hours each week. No amount of money or power can increase the number of hours you are given, and it can easily slip away if we’re not careful. If we want to make time for something, it’s up to us to find it. I’ve tried to banish the word ‘busy’ from my vocabulary, because I know that when I say, “I’m too busy,” what I’m actually saying is, “this isn’t a priority.”

Years ago, I read a book which profoundly changed the way I think about my time. 168 Hours by Laura Vanderkamp offered me more than just another set of tools on how to manage time; it utterly changed my thinking about how to take responsibility for my time and how I spend it.

Here’s what I’ve learned: When you are mindful about it, there is always enough time. There is enough time for work, for family and friends, for exercise, for sleep, and for other things that we enjoy, find meaningful, or need for our health and well-being. There is even time to binge-watch Homeland or The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, if it makes you happy (just don’t claim you are ‘too busy’ to hit the gym!). Keeping a time log for a week or two can reveal where your hours may be being unintentionally spent, especially because we humans have a tendency to overestimate the time we spend working and care-taking (remember: working a “60 hour week” means starting work 8am and ending at 8pm, each and every workday, without any breaks), and we underestimate the number of hours we spend doing things we consider fun or leisure.

As vitally important as this awareness is, feeling fulfilled and living with purpose is more complex than magically re-allocating hours. Because even though we may have enough time, we only have a limited amount of energy. If your job doesn’t play to your passions and strengths, you’re going to leave the office drained. You may have the hours, but won’t have the cognitive energy to dedicate yourself fully to your family, friends, interests, hobbies, and so on. This impacts your ability to recharge and restore, and then you’re left coming back to work feeling like you’re compromising your “personal life” for your “work life.”

As a leader of people and company culture, I’m acutely aware that our employees won’t operate at a high performance level if they’re not bringing their whole selves to work not just their work skills, but those passions and strengths that make them uniquely who they are. But doing this requires effort: introspection and action on the part of each individual to determine priorities and set boundaries. And it requires engagement on the part of people leaders to create a culture where employees are supported and trusted, and given clear expectations, autonomy, and accountability.

Achieving Work-Life Fulfillment

A common question we receive from candidates during their interview loops is, “What’s your company’s take on work-life balance?” I understand where they’re coming from, and can’t fault them for asking this awkward question. I’d argue that no one seeks to join a company that requires an ongoing commitment to 60–70 hour work weeks, or the expectation that they’ll need to hop on unplanned conference calls during personal time off.

Yet the work-life balance question has two inherent problems.

First, the phrase “work-life balance” implies that work and life are distinct from each other. It also suggests that time needs to be equitably distributed across both, and if the scale tips in either direction, even temporarily, you’re failing at one or the other. Variability is normal, and will evolve over various years, weeks, and days (ask any new working parent!). Second, it presumes that the employer is responsible for prioritizing the employee’s time, instead of empowering the individual to meet their obligations in ways that work best for them.

Given the digital and flexible nature of today’s work, each of us needs to embrace the concept of work-life fulfillment. This requires us to ask: “What are my goals — personally and professionally — and how do I best allocate my time to meet those goals and to lead a happy, meaningful, and productive life?”

Here are some areas I recommend focusing on in order to cultivate work-life fulfillment:

1. Prioritize what’s important to you and let go of everything else. In striving to “have it all,” we put ourselves under undue pressure. The truth is that we can’t have it all, but we can have much of what we decide is important, although maybe not all at the same time! Identify life goals — personal and professional — and choose what the essential building blocks are to achieve your version of work-life fulfillment. This could be family time, self-care, continuing education, networking, personal time, traveling, or whatever fills you with purpose. I believe we need to give ourselves permission to be OK with intentionally not doing certain things, outsourcing others, and accepting imperfection.

2. Pursue activities and opportunities that energize you. If you’re in a job that you’re passionate about and that challenges you, it’s going to give you energy instead of taking it away. To be clear, I’m not saying everyday will be workplace nirvana. However, if you find yourself dreading work more often than not, decide what you can drop, delegate, or change to build fulfillment and meaning into your work. If you are struggling with this, I encourage you to talk with your leaders, peers, advocates, and/or mentors. Ask them for their observations; their input can help guide your journey forward.

3. Set your own boundaries (no one will do it for you). Be smart with what you commit to and guard your time — it’s your most valuable resource, and it’s non-renewable. Too often we try to please people by saying “yes” to requests when we should stay curious and creative, asking questions before we intentionally decide how or even if to assist. Sometimes “no” is the right answer. And seek clarity: ask about the importance of a deadline, offer to provide an update in email instead of joining an hour long meeting where you aren’t a key stakeholder. If you have trouble saying “no” (like I do), remember that saying “no” often leads to the opportunity for others to step in and learn, and it can allow you to say “yes” to other things. And don’t forget: an early, clear “no” is much more helpful than a “maybe” or saying “yes” and then bailing at the last minute.

4. Lastly, embrace work-life integration. How often do you find yourself thinking about one thing, while you’re busy doing another? While there is much value in practicing mindfulness and being fully engaged in the moment, a recent study found that employees who intentionally tried to cognitively separate work and family life ended up encountering feelings of guilt, being more stressed, and less productive. I like to look for the “right” time to do something, for me. My mom lives in California, and we often talk on my morning commute. I love this time with her, and it works for both of us. I keep a single task list containing both personal and work items, and attack them when it makes sense: a quick online purchase from my desk, a walk in the early evening, editing over the weekend when I have a spare hour of quiet time.

Although I routinely spend an hour or two digging through my inbox over the weekend (my choice!), I’ve learned not to check email when I’m not free to respond, because that new information will rattle around in my head and get in the way of the priority at hand (including the important priority of sleep).

While work-life balance may seem like an end goal, in reality, we each live in both worlds simultaneously. If an employee has an issue that’s playing out in their professional or personal life, it’s going to impact their whole self. For instance, if I have a negative interaction in the office, it’s easy for me to bring that energy home with me I have to mindfully let it go in order to be there for my family. Likewise, if I don’t practice self-care in my personal time and become exhausted or get sick, that’s going to have an impact on my ability to deliver professionally.

My hope is that employers can recognize this connection and build a culture that supports work-life fulfillment, leaving employees with the energy to bring creativity, passion, and innovation to their work and the world.

