ANNOUNCEMENT: Taylor Beta App development

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2 min readMar 19, 2018

We have recently published a demo video of our beta app making a trade on Bittrex.

This is a demo video of the a beta version under final testing and release. There are still some known bugs on user the interface.

Some information displayed on the app interface regarding transaction data not is accurate. This happens only during the display of the data on the user interface, not in our backend services.

I would like to share with you some information regarding the development of the app and our plans for its upcoming public release.

We were working hard to release the app during the token sale to help contributors better analyze our project, but it appears that we will not be able to meet this deadline. As it is usually the case with software development, unforeseeable complications have delayed our plans.

Due to the amount of time and effort necessary to develop the token sale systems and smart contracts, we had to divert some of our app developers work on the token sale.

We also encountered an unexpected issue related to rate limits on the Bittrex API we use in our systems.

Our market monitor bot is using a new, beta API (API 2.0) from Bittrex, which is not officially released and undocumented. This API has an endpoint that offers OHLC data (Open-High-Low-Close data) that is crucial for our market monitor bot to work properly. The API 2.0 has rate limits that are limiting how many markets we can monitor and with which frequency we can monitor them.

We have been working directly with Bittrex since November 2017 to get access to a special API with larger rate limits, thus resolving the issue. This new API will require some adjustment to our market monitor bot.

Due to these changes, we came to the conclusion that we will not be able to release the beta app before the end of the token sale. We adjusted the estimated release date to Q2/2018.

We are also determining the API limits of other exchanges and we will start similar deals when necessary.

We published the demo video to reassure our contributors and supporters that we already have a functional product and to let them experience how it works. We plan to update the community in a regular basis about the development of the app.

Despite these delays, we remain completely committed to the project, achieving our mission to make crypto trading accessible to everyone, and making a lasting contribution to the field. Thanks for your understanding and support.

Fabio Seixas
CEO at Taylor



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