Phase One… Completed!

The token sale was a big hit and here are the some statistics

2 min readMar 23, 2018


Our token crowdsale has officially and successfully ended. It has gone by quickly and smoothly, without any significant glitches, and are humbled by the amount of support received.

Here are the main closing numbers

500 ETH soft cap reached within 10 minutes

The soft cap is the real deal breaker for any token sale. This is the minimum amount of funds for the start-up to continue operations utilizing the resources from the token sale.

Regardless of the confidence we have in our project and the number of registered contributors prior to the token sale launch, reaching the soft cap in 10 minutes has justified a few hops in the office.

Total number of contributors

From the total members in our supporting community, 1,689 contributed buy purchasing tokens during the crowdsale.

Total number of tokens and total amount raised in ETH

The total number of TAY tokens sold publicly, at a price that varied during four weeks of token sale, is 4,482,839.69144727. That amounted to a total of 3,097.96 ETH raised.

The average contribution was 1.83 ETH per contributor.

Total token holders with long-term access to services

a) Members who purchased more than 1,000 TAY and have access to Taylor Standard: 516.

These members can use the Standard Trading Assistant and enroll in Standard Academy courses.

b) Members who purchased more than 3,000 TAY and have access to Taylor Premium: 289.

These members can use the Premium Trading Assistant with bigger trading limits and priority notifications and enroll in Premium Academy courses featuring leading crypto influencers.

Next steps

During the next few days, we will release another post detailing the next steps and procedures.

Taylor is here to stay and we are proud to be a stepping stone to new crypto traders that would otherwise be hesitant to participate in it. We want to thank all our community members for the amazing support and for allowing our mutual goal to become a reality.

User registrations still OPEN

People can still sign up to be a user of our services and a member of our community. If you have not yet, take a chance to do it! If you are already a part of our community, it will be a blast if you can join us in getting the word out.

Stay in touch

Find more detailed information about the Taylor service, and the Taylor Academy at

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook or on your favorite social media platform to stay up to date with our latest news and announcements.

Feel free to post your questions, suggestions, and comments on our Telegram channel. We look forward to hearing from you!



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