SmartX February Progress Report

SmartX Editor
Published in
5 min readFeb 12, 2020

In the past three months the community development team has been working hard to launch the test network. In order to ensure that we can catch up with the promised schedule in the roadmap, we have maintained a pace of high-intensity development and conducted many tests and debugged many problems to ensure smooth operation when the network is online. The first round of testing of the testnet for mining and wallet was completed between January 10th till 24th. We will reopen the test network after analyzing the data, so as to verify any hidden problems which may still exist in the test network.

In addition, due to the impact of the Chinese New Year holiday and coronavirus epidemic, the community development team will continue to work on the main network related matters but in a remote work state.

SmartX Testnet Progress

  1. Basic Structure and Definition
  • Block definition and disk persistence.
  • Block reference structure definition.
  • Structure definitions of trading blocks and linking blocks.

2. Keystore Development and Replacement

  • Support for both secp256k1 and ed25519 sets of keystores, allowing flexible switching between the two.
  • Public-private key signature and validation.

3. DAG Structure Module

  • B-dag model and reference structure.
  • B-dag model block generation, reference and multipoint fusion.
  • B-DAG structure search and find.
  • B-DAG chain multi-node consensus, multi nodes compete on block generation.

4. Account Processing Module

  • The B-DAG structure is traversed by block height, starting with the genesis block.
  • Process all transactions referenced by an MC block based on a certain block height and eliminate duplicate transactions and double-spending.
  • A reward which conforms to a decay curve will be given to the winning block at that block height.

5. Coordinator Module

  • BFT infrastructure definition and communication mode definition.
  • Judge the MC block based on the difficulty value of the linking block and sign the broadcast.
  • Solve the problem of fork and selfish mining.

6. Mining Packaging Module

  • Epoch time processing.
  • The blocks of different epochs were not accepted in the mining.
  • Accept the random number with maximum computing force submitted from pool and then issue a linking block.
  • Linking blocks refer to other transactions and other broadcast linking blocks.

7. Mining Pool Module

  • Accept the computing force submitted by the miner, select a random value with the maximum computing force and submit it to the mining module.

8. Merkel Hashing Comparison

9. Pull/Collect Block Module

  • Pull blocks according to the heaviest-weighted chain while new node joining.
  • Node pulls all blocks at the current height.

10. Mining Tools

  • Mining tools randomly search for random numbers, submit in the block cycle. Complete mining tools and computing force submission module.

11. P2P Module

  • Finding nodes and broadcast to each other.
  • Nodes actively join and exit networks.
  • Network upnp multilayer penetration.

12. RPC Module

  • RPC interface definition was defined by swagger.
  • Developed mainnet interface.

13. CLI Module

  • Accept command, process response, and return to display.

14. Storage Module

  • Database and business storage function.
  • Storage uses a mixture of relational and key-value storage databases.
  • Use SQL to implement part of the business logic

15. MQ Message Processing Module

16. Web/App Wallet Development

  • Web/App version of main chain wallet front-end development.

17. Learning semux framework code structure and related classes

Web Wallet Features

  • Generate wallet keystore file
  • Import wallet keystore file and log in to the wallet
  • Make transactions
  • Transaction records
  • Account balance query

2020 Development Plan

In the first quarter, we will continue to complete the following:

  1. Blockchain browser
  2. Add multiple anti-bot mechanisms for the Faucet 2.0 Campaign
  3. Release Android version of Faucet 2.0
  4. Exchange cooperation
  5. SmartX H5 wallet
  6. SmartX App wallet
  7. Share source code from SmartX’s testnet on Github

Second Quarter

Beta version of testnet: Improve on tested Apha version features and add pledge mining and node checking features.

Third Quarter

Launch SmartX red packets, drifting bottles and other social functions on-chain.

Fourth Quarter

Launch main network: with smart contract, multi-point fork coordination and start community pledge mining.


Internal testing of the Faucet 2.0 Campaign began in early December. After fixing network issues and adding anti-bot mechanisms, the campaign was officially launched on January 15. The focus then was to guide users on how to use it and market the campaign. Due to the malicious attack at the beginning of our launch, we adjusted the system to better defend against the bots and traffic flood attacks. We used both Google verification and other verification mechanisms. To protect against traffic flood attacks we have used a highly professional level of 600G protection until the end of the faucet campaign. We apologize in advance for the slow loading speed you might experience during a traffic flood attack.

Currently, we have more than 30 WeChat groups in China comprising more than 10,000 people in total. International community development is also underway, with thanks to Dmitry and Civerus for helping to build telegraph communities in Russia and the Philippines.

Moreover, thanks to JunQ, ShangGuanYongShi and Lilage Minghua’s effort, SAT token is now correctly displayed with accurate info and token icon in the bitpie wallet, MYKEY wallet, and mathwallet.

You can always add SAT tokens by adding our contract address: 0x1f0f468ee03a6d99cd8a09dd071494a83dc1c0e5. We are still trying to get more wallets to display the SAT token icon correctly. If you would like to help us to do so, please contact our community administrators.


The SmartX communities across Telegram, WeChat, QQ and Discord are growing. Currently we have over 15,000 members in total. We have also started to promote SmartX across multiple forums and social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, BitcoinTalk and Medium.

About SmartX

SmartX is a decentralized, minable BlockDAG project with a “transaction-based DAG” structure which also supports PoW node mining. SmartX’s platform will allow Distributed Ledger Technology to be seamlessly adopted across a range of use cases such as private communication, in-game payments, coupons and reward points given by merchants.

