SmartX: The Secure, Decentralized Social Entertainment Ecosystem

SmartX Editor
Published in
4 min readJul 10, 2019

Social media is inseparable from modern life, but it leaves us vulnerable to having unwanted information exposed to the public. Blockchain technology can be applied to improve the security of social media by limiting cyber-attacks and encrypting messages.

With Facebook rapidly developing its Libra project, other social media companies are looking closely at blockchain technologies as well. If decentralized social media platforms are the future, then SmartX is where it all starts.

Introducing SmartX

SmartX is a decentralized social media and entertainment platform aiming to solve the problems caused by centralization, such as threats to privacy and user data. It will connect entertainment providers and users on a global scale and will use social entertainment as a gateway to build a trustworthy and secure social entertainment ecosystem of the future.

SmartX Technology Highlights

1. Unique technology that integrates blocks, which are independently produced in partitions.

Mainstream Proof of Work (POW)-based systems, such as BTC/BCH and Ethereum, must hold all transactions “pending” before packaging them. SmartX solves the mutual exclusivity issue that our competitors face — when transaction blocks packaged at different nodes are mutually exclusive.

2. High-frequency simultaneous transactions and technology with the potential for limitless expansion

SmartX uses a proprietary algorithm to linearly connect the main blocks, which resemble the BTC blockchain. However, if we look at the bigger picture, the whole system looks like the DAG structure. The network can be separated into independent partitions, which do not interrupt each other and allow for high-frequency simultaneous transactions.

3. Near Zero-Cost Transactions

High-frequency simultaneous transactions lead to almost 0 cost.

4. Using DAG Technology to Increase Block Capacity

Bitcoin Cash uses a modified code of BTC to increase capacity from 1MB to 8MB and also increases transaction speed. EOS Blockchain implemented Proof of Stake to replace Proof of Work, which attributes mining power to the ratio of coins held by the miner. This reduces the amount of power and energy required to mine. SmartX uses DAG technology to achieve the same, expanding block capacity, increasing transaction speed, and integrating Proof of Stake.

5. QoS (Quality of Service) Guaranteed

SmartX’s is an all-new DAG structural algorithm that guarantees scalability and reliability like no other. It uses a combination of Proof of Work and Proof of Stake to provide consensus, while masternodes are used to provide bandwidth to the network.

Founding Team

The team at SmartX has extensive educational backgrounds from top ranked universities, setting themselves apart as experts in the world of tech. Team members include:

  • Frank Su, ex-senior engineer of WeChat Pay, ex-chief engineer of ETZ (Ethereum Zero) DAG project
  • Bill Ng, formerly a senior engineer at Ping An Insurance, developer of XDAG wallet, and an expert in anonymous communication.
  • Jessy, who holds an M.S. in marketing from Stanford University and is highly experienced in visual and UI design, as well as product marketing.
  • JunQ, who has 12 years of experiences in operation and worked for 2 publicly traded company previously. JunQ is highly skilled in team operation and management.
  • Li Zhao, technology advisor and former senior engineer at WeChat Pay with 12 years of experience in payment gateway and deep knowledge of BlockDAG algorithm.

SmartX vs Competition

SmartX is different from similar projects, such as Conflux. Conflux can achieve a high transactions per second rate without sacrificing decentralization and security.

SmartX, on the other hand, treats every transaction as a block. Every node in SmartX can generate blocks independently and simultaneously and integrate the transactions after they are generated.


SmartX is a new type of social entertainment platform that will use proprietary Blockchain-DAG technology to achieve decentralization, optimized handling capacity and delay validation at the same time. With its all-new structural B-DAG algorithm, SmartX can achieve limitless horizontal expansion, which is essentially equivalent to a traditional blockchain system that can achieve limitless horizontal expansion. With the SmartX structure, double-spending detection will be possible sooner or later.

About SmartX

SmartX is a decentralized social entertainment platform powered by blockchain technology. By using a blockchain network to resolve the issue of centralization, SmartX ensures that performance is not bottlenecked by token circulation, SmartX links social entertainment service providers and users around the world and uses social entertainment as a gateway to build a trustworthy and secure ecosystem.

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