7 Ways to Pay It Forward this Christmas

David Trounce
Smarty Pants
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2017

Christmas is a holiday that is all about family, togetherness and giving to those who are less fortunate than you. A lot of people have forgotten this message, and they continue to let Christmas stress them out more than it should.

If you’re in a financially decent position in your life, there is no reason for you to ever be stressed about Christmas. Instead, you can use your position to do something positive for other people.

Experts have found that people who give to others during the Christmas holiday season will reduce their own stress levels tremendously. This “pay it forward” action not only helps needy people, but it encourages them to become giving people themselves after they get their lives back on track.

Below are 7 ways in which you can pay it forward this Christmas by giving back for all the blessings that life has given you.

Volunteer at a Shelter

There are shelters in most major cities throughout the Australia. During the Christmas holiday season, they are greatly in demand for volunteers to help them provide services to needy people who are looking for food and a warm place to sleep at night.

This volunteer work could involve cooking food, serving food, and setting up the cots and beds. If you want to give back without spending any money, volunteering is a great way to do that.

Visit the Elderly

There are many thousands of elderly people in nursing homes and assisted living facilities all throughout the country. While some of the elderly may have a family to go visit for Christmas, others do not.

You could do a nice thing and visit your local nursing home to keep these elderly people company. Go Volunteer can point you to available services where you may be able to lend a hand.

Holidays can be a very lonely time without friendly people around, so just giving them a little attention will do wonders for their emotional state.

Help Do Chores for a Busy Family

Do you have neighbors who are constantly busy with work and family? Perhaps you know a single parent who doesn’t have time to do all the chores in the house and their kids are too young to do them too.

In any event, you could volunteer your time and help this family or person by doing the chores for them.

Donate to a Christmas Appeal

The Samaritans Christmas Appeal is held every year by NDIS service provider, The Samaritans Foundation.

The purpose of the Christmas Appeal is to help people and their children who are struggling the most during the holiday season.

These are people who typically have no family or friends to turn to and no possessions or money to get by on.

By donating to Samaritans Christmas Appeal, you could help shelter homeless children or feed hungry families. For more information, click here.

Buy Dinner for a Homeless Family

It is one thing to donate money to a charity that will buy dinner for a homeless family.

It is another thing to personally take a homeless family out to dinner and watch the joy on their faces as they take each bite.

You should do this because it will give you a feeling of satisfaction and happiness like nothing else can.

Donate Toys to Kids

There are charitable organizations like The Smith Family Toy and Book Appeal which specialise in collecting toy donations during the Christmas season and then giving them to needy children.

These are usually children who either don’t have parents or their parents can’t afford to buy them presents. By donating toys, you can help an underprivileged child have a better Christmas.

Donate School Supplies

There are a lot of underfunded schools in this country which desperately need school supplies for their teachers and students to use.

The donation of supplies to one of these needy schools will go a long way in helping those students receive a better education for the rest of the school year.

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David Trounce
Smarty Pants

David is a writer and publisher who lives in Australia and also writes for Business.com, GrowMap and Born2Invest.