Smartz Alpha 0.8.0 Release Notes

Smartz Platform Blog
2 min readMay 21, 2018

Hi there! This is our regular development report and new version of the platform is 0.8.0. See full changelog.

  • New smart contract constructor: Crowdfunding for ERC20 token. Easily raise Ether funds for your startup in exchange for your ERC20 tokens! Just share the contract instance link to your potential contributors.
  • Added freeze function to the Multisignature Wallet constructor.
  • Now third-party developers can open public access to the dashboard of deployed contracts (not even verified).
  • Access to the contract dashboard is now available without authorization.
  • Widgets, input field: added option to define the algorithm in stringHash, avaliable keccak256 (by default) or sha256:
// — get_params — ui_schema from returned dictionary
"stringHashSha256": {
"ui:widget": "stringHash",
"ui:options": {
"algorithm": "sha256"

And in the input field for parameter of the calling function:

// — post_construct — function_specs from returned dictionary
'inputs': [
'title': 'string hash',
'description': 'Hash of string will be sent as param to smart contract function',
'ui:widget': 'stringHash',
"ui:options": {
"algorithm": "sha256"
  • If the contract has a fallback function that receive Ether, then there is a button for sending Ether to the contract in the dashboard section with write functions. Text and description of this field can be customized by specifying in the function specification:
// — post_construct — function_specs from returned dictionary
'': {
'title': 'Send ether to contract (fallback)',
'description': 'Send ether to contract (fallback description)',
'sorting_order': 1,
'payable_details': {
'title': 'Ether amount (custom)',
'description': 'This ether amount will be sent to the contract (custom)'
  • Added ability to specify the amount of sent Ether when calling payable functions. Text and description of this field can be customized as well as fallback function:
// — post_construct — function_specs from returned dictionary
'sendEther': { # payable function name
'title': 'Send ether to contract',
'description': 'Payable function. Ether amount can be set',
'sorting_order': 200,
'payable_details': {
'title': 'Ether amount (custom)',
'description': 'This ether amount will be sent with the function call (custom)'

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