Smartz News August 27 — September 9

Smartz Platform Blog
2 min readSep 10, 2018

We are happy to bring you the latest updates about Smartz platform! Here you can find what we’ve been up to for the last two weeks!

“Oracle Has Spoken. We Cast the Perfect Spell”

The word “oracle” sounds a bit mystical, but blockchain oracles have no supernatural powers. In our article, we explained why smart contracts need oracles, how they work and what problems they might have.

Smartz Guide: Invoice

Learn how to deploy invoice smart contract on our platform. Video guide is available too.

DApps guide. Web 3.0: the Basics

Web3.0 is the concept that is discussed for a long time. We explained the main things about Web 3.0.

Blockchain-based P2P betting

Great article about P2P betting on Smartz platform was published in Coinmonks blog from our developer.

Can Blockchain and Smart Contracts Protect Copyright?

Copyright is one of the main issues on the internet. We explained how it can be protected using new tech.

Token Curated Registries Explained

Token Curated Registries (TCR) can reshape online lists. Learn how TCR works.

What is DAO and How it Works

You might’ve heard about DAO. DAOs really have a great potential to be around in the next couple of years. Learn how DAO works in this article.

Our team went to Berlin to participate in Berlin blockchain week! On the first day we participated in Dezentral conference. After this we’ve participated in ETHBerlin hackathon.

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