Smartz Team. Interview with Lead Developer Vladimir Khramov

Smartz Platform Blog
3 min readAug 24, 2018

We continue to introduce our team to you. This time we interviewed our Lead Developer Vladimir Khramov.

— When did you start building software? Which programming languages do you specialize in?

— I began programming in 1999 when I was in school. The website with programs that I wrote while I was in school is still alive. You can even play a little game that I made in school. In 2009, after I finished university and demobilized from the army, I started professional software development. I mostly worked on internal corporate systems. Mostly I’ve worked on PHP and Python.

— How did you get involved with smart contracts in the first place?

— Last fall, a friend of mine told me about the project kickico. I found it interesting and joined their chat in Telegram. After some time they’ve shared a GitHub link with their smart contracts. I found that interesting and decided to take a look at them. Before this moment, I’ve never seen Solidity, but I found it easy to understand. Almost as I began to read, I found the critical error inside the code. I reported it and got some project’s tokens as a reward. After this, I started to learn Solidity, found which weaknesses it has, at the same time I found a couple more mistakes. After this, during a meetup, I gave the report about finding mistakes in smart contracts. Almost right after my report, I got some offers to audit their smart contracts. That’s how I got in this area.

— Why it is interesting for a developer to work with Ethereum?

— At first, it seemed easy to make smart contracts on Ethereum, because Solidity seems easy. At this point in time, people charged thousands of dollars for the code, which wasn’t that great really.

— Is it challenging for you to develop the platform which will be used by developers as well as the regular users?

— Not at all. I really don’t see the difference between them.

— Which problems did you face during the development of the platform?

— Generally, we don’t have any difficulties. We rarely have some small problems. For example, we had a problem with EOS implementation. We started to implement it before the official Mainnet release. EOS was regularly updated, so we had to fix some issues.

— How do you make decisions about the development of Smartz platform?

— We have a roadmap that was written by our CTO Alex Makeev. We follow this roadmap, if need to implement something that wasn’t planned at the start, like that was with EOS implementation, we discuss it together.

— Our traditional question. What must be changed for the global acceptance of smart contracts, by both governments and people?

— Smart contracts must be easy to use. The fact that it is a smart contract, not a usual app doesn’t give anything to users. Users are not ready to give up their comfort for decentralization.

If two apps are equally easy to use, then you can list decentralization, reliability, and transparency as a platform’s advantages. That’s what we want at Smartz. We want to make smart contracts easy to use for everyone.

— Usually, you chat in Smartz chat for developers. Is it a necessity or your personal interest?

— At first, I was reading messages in all chats, but it interrupts me from work. So, right now I only open chats, when our users need help.

— The last question is personal. What are your interests despite work?

— Right now, I am really occupied with work, so don’t have much of a free time. So I mostly spend time with my family outside of work.

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