Fasten Your Seatbelts.

“All About Eve” is all about excellence.

Sherry McGuinn


Bette Davis & Gary Merrill/Uncredited/Free-Images.Com

There are works of art that make an indelible impression. No matter how many times you view them, they never get old, or tired. Instead, they demand your return, a fresh eye — and that returning never disappoints.

The 1950 black and white film, “All About Eve,” is just such a work. A cinematic masterpiece that is, in this viewer’s opinion, as fresh and relevant today, as it was when it first hit the theaters.

It is one of my favorite flicks of all time and I feel obligated to share it with my fellow writers.

Starring the incomparable Bette Davis, the equally excellent Anne Baxter, and a stunning supporting cast, including the great British actor, George Sanders, Gary Merrill, Celeste Holm and Hugh Marlow, this is a film that demands multiple viewings. See it once, and you’ll understand why.

The luminous Marilyn Monroe makes an appearance, as well, in what I believe was her first screen role. It’s a cameo, and she’s hilarious. To watch her here, is to understand how her career took off like a comet. She truly was, as Elton John wrote, a “candle in the wind.”

The Cast:

Margo Channing — Bette Davis



Sherry McGuinn

Long-time writer and big-time dreamer. Screenwriter. Cat mama. Red lip aficionado.