Credit: Pixar

What the Forky?

Toy Story 4 film review

David Caracciolo
4 min readJun 30, 2019


The first Toy Story came out in 1995. After 24 years, you’re meant to stop playing with toys. Unfortunately, no one told Pixar.

Don’t get me wrong, Toy Story 4 isn’t a bad film. It’s just bad compared to the others. It’s the weakest in the toy box. Yet a bad Pixar film is still better than most. Have you seen Uglydolls?

The last film ended perfectly. An emotional roller coaster, it raised the stakes like never before. By the final act, we were sobbing uncontrollably. Exactly what all good Pixar films should do.

It’s flawless. So the question is… why do we need another? Oh yeah… money. Have you walked into a toy store lately? You’re bound to see a row of Buzz Lightyears to infinity and beyond!

They’re never gonna stop making these! Not when the characters in the film are based on toys you can peddle to kids. Even if Pixar wanted to keep their trilogy a trilogy, Disney would never allow it.

So the toys are taken out of storage, dusted off for another play. They look and sound the same, but they’re out of batteries. Nowhere is this more evident than in Buzz Lightyear, voiced by Tim Allen.

They don’t know what to do with him! Once again, he’s the buzz of all jokes. In the original, he’s a bit of a space cadet. By the third, he’s graduated to deputy Sheriff. Now, he’s back to being clueless and I’m clueless as to why.

Then there’s Woody, voiced by legendary actor, Tom Hanks. This franchise has always been about Woody. Toy Story is HIS story and that story is Stockholm syndrome!

In this universe, toys are like hostages. They form a special relationship with their captor which leads to trauma when they’re eventually abandoned.

Woody’s never gotten over his first kid, Andy. Now he’s got a new master, Bonnie, and must do whatever it takes to make her happy. Eventually, she’ll grow up too… and the only toy making her happy doesn’t belong in a kid’s film.

Annie Potts returns to voice Bo Peep, but this time she’s got a lot more to do. She’s a fully-fledged character now going from decor to action figure.

Credit: Pixar

Surprisingly, the most psychologically messed up toy in this film isn’t Woody or Buzz, it’s Forky. The new character, voiced by Tony Hale of Arrested Development, is going through an exist-utensil crisis.

He’s a fork or a spork, that’s been made into a toy by Bonnie. However, in his googly eyes; he’s only made for eating.

It’s one of the more exciting developments in the franchise and goes to show that anything can become a toy if a child deems it as such. My only concern would be kids rushing to the kitchen from the cinema to play with their newfound companions. Start hiding the knives!

Speaking of parents… the adults in this film get a tough ride in more ways than one. The biggest laughs come at their expense. This might be the first Toy Story movie where you actually end up feeling sorrier for the humans.

Pixar’s come a long way when it comes to animating humans too. In the first film, the humans look as plastic as the toys. Now, everything looks real! From the rain to the dust in an antique shop. There’s even a realistic looking cat for all you cat lovers.

There are many new characters that are introduced that I could write about, but I’d rather let you discover them for yourself. Like any new toy, learning what they can do is part of the fun.

Toy Story 4 is a fun film. For any other studio, it’s a great film. But we’re talking Pixar here, they have a high standard that this film doesn’t meet. The previous films are like treasured toys you’ll pass on for generations. This one feels like something you’ll play with a few times and forget about later.

Again, this isn’t a bad film! It’s fine, I was just expecting more. I’m glad to have the chance to catch up with some old friends. As the song goes, “Our friendship will never die.” Nor will this franchise.

3.5 out of 5 lost toys

Thanks for reading. For another one…



David Caracciolo

I like big PUNS and I can not lie. You other writers can't deny