Why It Really Does Pay To Care

Kenneth Turnbull
Smashing Quota
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2017

Today I’m going to share with you perhaps the most important principle that anyone who sells for a living should keep in the forefront of their mind.

In fact, I’d wager to say that someone who knows and abides by this following principle I’m about to share with you, would have far more success in the world of business (and life), than some sales person who knew every fancy schmancy sales trick in the book… but didn’t abide by this principle.

And it’s a real simple principle…

A really obvious principle…

Yet I see people breaking it nearly every damn day.

Here it is:

You must care about the people who you sell to.

As I said… it’s simple… it’s obvious. But it’s a principle that gets broken by many people in the world of business on a daily basis.

And I know this may sound like sunshine and rainbows woo-woo advice… But seriously. Even if you’re a complete sociopath and don’t feel a twang of guilt about manipulating people… it would still be in your best interests to abide by this principle.

Here’s why…

For one, it ensures you’re doing things for the right reasons. To care about a person means that you want what’s best for them. And there are going to be times where what you’re selling is not going to be what’s best for certain people. This doesn’t mean your product is no good. It just means it might not be what’s best for a certain person.

So you shouldn’t be in the business of selling people things that aren’t in their best interest.

Reason being, the real value of any customer is in repeat business, and back end sales.

And if you trick someone into buying something that is not in their best interests, do you really think they are going to trust you?


And if they don’t trust you, do you really think they’re going to buy from you ever again?

That’s a double no!

By selling someone something that isn’t in their best interests, you may make a sale… But you’ve lost that customers future business for the rest of your life.

Which brings us onto the second benefit of caring about those who you sell to.

By showing you care about your prospects, you earn their trust.

And people are far more willing to be persuaded by… and far more eager to buy from… people that they trust.

Meaning you make more money over the long term… and your customer love you to boot!

It’s a win-win.

Abide by this simple principle above all others, and you can’t go too far wrong.

Until next time,
Kenneth Turnbull

If you enjoyed this article, you can find more of my marketing and copywriting insights over at kennethturnbull.com



Kenneth Turnbull
Smashing Quota

I’m a direct response copywriter and email marketing specialist. You can read my daily copywriting and marketing insights here: http://kennethturnbull.com