SmbPndk CLI: My Journey Learning Rust Programming Language

Seto Elkahfi
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2023
SmbPndk Logo, a cloud-like shape with red outline and white font colors.
SmbPndk Logo


This article describes my journey learning the Rust programming language through the development of a command line interface (CLI) project called SmbPndk CLI. Rust is a modern, safe, and efficient systems programming language, known for its strong memory safety and concurrency guarantees.


Not an Abbreviation

The name of this CLI project, SmbPndk, is inspired by MetaPlex Sugar and doesn’t contain any abbreviations or hidden meanings in its name. The project aims to provide a simple and easy-to-use CLI, which can be used as a starting point for further exploration of Rust.

Getting Started with Rust

Before diving into the development of the SmbPndk CLI, I began by familiarizing myself with Rust. This involved learning the basic syntax, understanding the unique ownership and borrowing system, and getting to grips with the built-in error-handling mechanisms. Rust’s excellent documentation and friendly community made the learning process enjoyable and smooth.

Developing the SmbPndk CLI

As a practical way to learn Rust, I decided to create a simple CLI tool. The SmbPndk CLI is designed to be user-friendly and easily extensible. The project is organized in a modular fashion, enabling users to quickly understand the code structure and make modifications as needed.

Some key features of the SmbPndk CLI include:

  1. Straightforward command parsing and execution
  2. Extensible and easy-to-maintain code structure
  3. Clear error reporting and handling

The project is hosted on GitHub, allowing others to contribute, and make suggestions.



Seto Elkahfi
Editor for

Software developer. Rust, Ruby on Rails, AWS, iOS, tvOS,