Jamey Austin
Smells Like Team Spirit
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3 min readFeb 18, 2017


Tallyho! You’ve picked up the scent

Dear Reader:

We started our Medium publication Smells Like Team Spirit to share what we’re discovering about teamwork with you.

Among the great things about Medium — clean UI, quality writing — is feedback. The variety of frictionless ways a reader can respond means more thoughts, reactions, and interactions.

We want our publication to create a community around the topic of teams. And that community is only as strong as the quality of the content and the quality of the conversations about that content.

That’s where you come in.

We want to know what you think. We’re curious about your team, and what you’re learning about teamwork. In other words, let’s have a conversation.

And know this: we’ll respond to whatever you send our way, be it tweet or comment or email or, heck, actual bona fide letter via the U.S. Mail.

The point is, we’ll holla back no matter how you decide to reach out.

Our most popular stories to date

Since our launch two months ago we’ve published 13 stories. Chances are, you haven’t been able to read every one. We understand. Everybody needs to sleep.

Check out these reader favs:

  1. Stopping team dysfunction (even before it starts) by Megha Narayan
  2. Moving down the corporate ladder by Sarah Goff-Dupont
  3. If your company’s idea of teamwork is bullshit, here’s how to fix it by Dom Price

What’s with all this Team Playbook stuff?

Our examination of teams led us to develop a resource called the Team Playbook. It’s comprised of team health monitors and individual plays that come straight from our own experiences working in teams.

We’re quite proud of it, and we want you to benefit from it.

Smells Like Team Spirit aims to publish all sorts of content related to teams, but we launched with articles that include links to the Team Playbook because we really want you and your team to find value in it.

Do check it out.

Keep following the scent… hints of ambrosia, maybe?

We’re genuinely fascinated by the whole team thing. But we know. Everybody and their flippin’ grandmas is all teamwork this and collaboration that.

We’re pretty darn serious, though. We’re on a mission to understand what makes teams tick, what makes them good and creative and productive, and what happens when they’re… not that. We’re interested in the gestalt of teams, if you will, because good teamwork is more than just the sum of its individual parts. There are personalities to consider, different skill sets to include, blends of backgrounds and experiences to assimilate.

That’s what makes teamwork cool. And hard. And sometimes not so good.

But teamwork can be good. And when it’s good, it’s really good. Thrilling, even. Working together toward a common goal and making it happen?


That’s the stuff we’re after.

We hope you’re enjoying Smells Like Team Spirit, and we’re looking forward to hearing from you.

The Editors

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