What do these popular posts have in common?

Jamey Austin
Smells Like Team Spirit
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2 min readAug 19, 2017

Dear Readers:

There’s a special kind of delight reserved for us editor folk when articles connect. It’s a bit like reaching out a hand, and you take it in yours. Come along, we’re saying, come see this. And you agree to follow.

It was with great happiness, then, that we discovered a few recent posts encouraged so many to have a read. We’re thrilled they resonated, and we think we know why. They’re genuine, and personal, along with being informative.

Three of those posts are included below. If you haven’t read one of these, please do. Each author has opened themselves in the service of knowledge, guidance, and even a little fun.

We’re especially proud of these posts, and their popularity, because chief among the reasons we decided to start a Medium publication was the community’s appetite for the genuine and the personal. Authenticity (a great word, overused today) builds bridges. Bridges to learning, bridges to understanding, bridges to compassion.

Thanks for following Smells Like Team Spirit.

The Editors

Ps: Write us at medium@atlassian.com and tell us … everything.

