Smidigposten #13

Anders Sveen
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2020
Photo by Thomas Claeys on Unsplash

Straks sommer!

Nyt de fine dagene og kanskje du får tid til å lese litt? Selv har jeg kjøpt inn både Accelerate og Team Topologies til ferien. :)

God sommer!

Å endre organisasjonen til å fokusere på produkt-team kan være vanskelig. Det dreier seg ikke bare om et organisasjonskart, men grunnleggende innstillinger og maktforhold i organisasjonen. Marty Cagan oppsummer en del av det som er nødvendig.

In an empowered product team, the team is there to serve customers, with products that customers love, yet work for the business. The stakeholders are partners we need to collaborate with to come up with solutions that work (specifically, that means the solutions are valuable, usable, feasible, and viable).

Via André Heie Vik.

Eller kanskje ikke hjemmekontor er så effektivt som du tror?

Scientists are still puzzling out why in-person communication is superior, Wheatley says, but her lab has found some clues. The more eye contact people have during a conversation, for instance, the more in sync they are with one another.

Via Ingvald Skaug.

Supercell feirer 10 år og sjefen selv reflekterer over hva de har fått til:

If teams can come to a decision on their own without seeking approval from others, they will execute faster and be happier.

For me, the best moments at Supercell have been the ones where something amazing has happened and I have had nothing to do with it and have been the last to hear about it. This is exactly how I would like Supercell to operate: in an ideal world, the teams would make all the decisions which means that I would make none. This is what I mean when I say that my goal is to be the world’s least influential CEO. People think that I am joking when I say that, but I am not.

For å oppnå “enterprise agility” må alle brikkene på plass, støttet av et gjennomgripende smidig tankesett skriver Geir Amsjø.

God sommer!

