Bitcoin: to be or not to be — the future of cryptocurrency!

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4 min readNov 26, 2018

Hi! Do you need some bitcoins? No? What kind of pyramid? Illuminati? There you go!

Let’s figure out once again what bitcoin means and how it is invested.

More dead than alive?

What can we see on the crypto market today? The Bitcoin rate has dropped, the amount of transactions has decreased, even some exchanges are closing… Bitcoin bites the dust… Had it coming? Is that what you are thinking, my cynical friend?

Well, I say it doesn’t work that way. There is a sound reason for this! And even two reasons: brothers Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss who believe in Bitcoin and are not going to give up on it. In 2013, they spent 11 million dollars for bitcoins; back then, one unit cost 120 dollars.

Currently, the brothers own 1.5 million bitcoins valued at 3.55 billion dollars. Not bad! Really, why wouldn’t the Winklevoss twins sell them and chillax? Hell no! The 36-year-old brothers have established their own online exchange called Gemini and venture fund.

“We’ve never sold a Bitcoin, we’re in it for the long haul,” Cameron Winklevoss said.

Почему вы думаете, что миллиардеры не хотят расставаться с криптовалютой? Из-за преданности и любви к виртуальной монете? Pffft! Я сомневаюсь, эти парни что-то знают …)Bitcoin or Dream of all Pirates

Let’s listen to the experts: Valentin Katasonov, the economist and professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, believes that the emergence of Bitcoin is not by accident. It is a sort of test step that will be followed by bigger deals.

Now, he is comparing cryptocurrency with gold, building his forecast upon the market price of precious metal.

Чтобы подтвердить его слова, экономист предлагает изучить довольно впечатляющий график. Колебания колебаний биткойна и золота почти одинаковы. Стечение обстоятельств? Думаю, нет!

What about foreign experts?

Some time ago, Paul Krugman, a well-known American economist, said that the usefulness of Bitcoin was more obvious than the usefulness of precious metal. Besides, he stated that Bitcoin could prove to be more useful than “dead gold” for people.

At the same time, an entrepreneur and investor John Feffer believes that Bitcoin is the first viable means able to replace gold.

Thus, do not consider the coin obsolete for the hundredth time, because the drop in the currency rate can be nothing but a wise step of investors or a lull before the rapid jump. Don’t forget about the boom-and-bust economy.

Несмотря на значительный спад обмена и отсутствие обмана монеты, число крипто оптимистов не уменьшается. Истории успеха просто поощряют лихорадку биткойнов.

A certain Mr. Smith, a programmer from Silicon Valley, invested in bitcoins in 2010. He spent only 3 thousand dollars. As of today, he is a millionaire who has quitted, converted cryptocurrency into cash, and started traveling all over the world.

However, there were opposite examples: the American Laszlo Hanyecz bought two pizzas for 10 thousand bitcoins in 2010.

Британец Джеймс Хауэллс выплачивает много денег мусору, чтобы они исследовали место захоронения. В 2013 году он выбросил свой ноутбук с 7,5 тыс. Биткойнов на жесткий диск.

Prediction of happy future

How can the price of Bitcoin grow? Saxo Bank predicts that next year the value of cryptocurrency can exceed 60 thousand dollars and the capitalization can reach 1 trillion dollars.

Nevertheless, the bank supposes that, after the dramatic bounce in 2018, Bitcoin will face a rapid fall in 2019 up to the cost of production of 1000 dollars.

По словам Вадима Меркулова, старшего аналитика Freedom Finance, биткойн может достичь 40 тысяч долларов, но его фактическая стоимость в будущем будет в несколько раз меньше. «40 тысяч - это не предел, но теперь большинство людей, которые только начинают инвестировать в биткойн, не понимают своей концепции», - подчеркивает эксперт.


If you have invested in bitcoins at the proper time, like me, do not hurry up to sell them before it’s too late. The main point here is calm and cold blood.

The majority of serious analysts and specialists think that the Bitcoin rate will increase on the New Year’s Eve and will range from 12 000 to 19 000 by March. Moreover, this is just the beginning of the vigorous and continuous rise of cryptocurrency.




Smile-Expo is an international organizer of large-scale business events. 12 years of successful work on the European and CIS markets.