In the sense you do not smoke?

Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2018

Hey, reader! Want some innovations?

Recently, modern technologies have started scaring me, and it’s quite true. No, I’m not afraid of my smartphone or my neighbor’s electric car; I mean something else… What scares and fascinates me at the same time is the speed of their development and integration into such sectors that I would never think of.

Computers, telephony, car industry, and energy production are logical and clear. But human bad habits? Technologies have not even ignored this seemingly unpromising aspect of human weaknesses.

“It’s not illegal! I can vape wherever I want!” is the main slogan of all vapers. Indeed, it refers to those guys and girls wearing

drainpipe jeans, riding electric scooters, working for the IT area, and blowing off clouds of flavored vapor.

Vaping: what kind of term is it? And where did it come from?

The term ‘vaping’ means inhaling and exhaling vapor produced by e-cigs or vaping devices. By the way, ‘vape’ became the most popular word in 2014 according to the authors of Oxford Dictionary.

A prototype of modern electronic cigarette was a device created back in 1963 by an American Herbert Gilbert. However, his startup failed to succeed, as there were no warnings of smoking harms at that time. Consequently, people did not simply need an alternative to the old school Marlboro.

Several dozens of years later, when smoking became a critical issue, people started searching for a worthy and, above all, non-hazardous alternative to cigarettes.

The alternative was found in 2001: Hon Lik, a pharmacist and inventor, started experimenting with a vaping system, trying various liquids in order to find the one able to repeat the feeling of inhaling tobacco smoke. As the result, he chose propylene glycol, a common food additive. It is nontoxic, can produce satisfying vapor, and is a good solvent for nicotine and flavoring agents. Along with vegetable glycerin, it is still one of the key ingredients for e-liquids.

Surely, Hon Lik’s invention was imperfect, with a range of defects and gaps, but its concept was correct.

Vaping and modern technologies

With vaping being promoted throughout the world, it was integrated with technologies. They made this phenomenon the most technological, relatively vicious habit.

Now, instead of analogue vaporizers, we can see cutting-edge vaping devices similar to some futuristic mega blasters rather than to e-cigarettes.

Box mods are the evolution of vaping gadgets. Due to a smart built-in board, one can adjust vaping temperature and output, and even set an alarm!

Moreover, crazy inventors did not calm down and equipped some devices with fidget spinners and infrared ports. In case that you suddenly want to share your favorite track with your friend:)

Subculture of vapers

Vaping is no longer a substitution for smoking, turning into a comprehensive subculture with its own norms, topics, and even jokes.

Besides, I have been quite surprised after discovering that these guys organize competitions for skillful blowing of vapor! Vapor, Carl! They skilfully exhale. We had absolutely different challenges: quickly smoking until the dad could see. They called this discipline Vape Tricks. Even Ivan Urgant became interested in this kind of… humph… not sports at all… and invited vaping “athletes” to his own show!

Just imagine, there are also rich vapers. The difference between a conventional rich guy and a rich vaper is small: the first ones smoke Sobranie Gold, while the second ones buy madly expensive and exclusive vaping devices that can cost an arm and a leg.

Almost every city has its own crowds of these technologically smoking people. They even have vape bars. I will tell you in secret: they even don’t sell beer; only e-juices and other components with complex names.

The apogee of this is international vaping conferences! International!!! They bring together thousands of tasty vapor and pretty women lovers. Some of them are even attended by well-known individuals.

Conclusion: we live in an interesting time: time of rapid technologization of all sectors of life. And, perhaps, we will soon see the first concierge robots, social security departments on blockchain, and traffic cops with artificial intelligence.




Smile-Expo is an international organizer of large-scale business events. 12 years of successful work on the European and CIS markets.