Top 5 incredible 3D printed things

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3 min readAug 10, 2018

You will be bowled over by what these soulless machines are doing … Just look!

The most incredible things created on a 3D printer

So he created man in his own image…” This is about our next character :)

A French engineer by education and a fashion designer by vocation created a copy (robot) of the most perfect man in his opinion — himself.
And, as you may guess, he printed this creation on a 3D printer.

10 minutes of printing and you’re at the cottage

What can people do when they have a lot of free time and a 3D printer? Print a car, for example.

Another innovator, this time from the country of cowboys and Donald Trump, printed a car and called it Urbee. You may say: “Well, he did it, and what’s next?” “It is moving!!!” Without external assistance, unlike regular car created by the Russian automotive industry.

Of course, the car is not completely printed, some parts and engine elements are created traditionally, using metal.

“Waiter! What can your master chef print for me?”

Everything is more or less technically clear with a car. But food!

These robots took on ‘my precious’: they started to print food …
Farewell, the smell of morning fried eggs and coffee …

Foodini is the name of the main competitor of all McDonald’s employees and future graduates of humanities institutes.

The device works similarly to other printers, although its cartridges are filled not with plastic or paints, but with raw materials for cooking (mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise or dough).

Then the magic device sticks to the program, which sets an algorithm of actions to prepare food. Of course, this device cannot be used to make fine cuisine yet, it can’t print foie gras and lobster, but it copes with fast food without any problems.

For example, the manufacturer showed how to easily make a pizza or a hamburger using the device.

Make up in 35 seconds

It today’s business world, women are extremity busy (sometimes even more than men), and they don’t have enough time for themselves. However, nobody wants to be unattractive. What to choose: career or beauty?

There is a solution! The Swedish company Foreo has beaten the odds: it united beauty and technology. It unique project is titled MODA.
How it works: with the help of 3D scanning, 3D printing and application for smartphone, MODA puts on the most attractive makeup in just 30 seconds.

Do you want to recreate the image of Demi Moore, Angelina Jolie or Merlin Manson? just upload a photo of the celebrity into the MODA app.

You can also choose a prototype makeup from millions of images in Instagram and other social networks or use the MODA’s database, which provides recommendations on the image based on the individual characteristics of your face. The application uses Bluetooth to transmit the selected option directly to the system.

After scanning the face, MODA immediately makes up the selected image through over 2000 incredibly accurate nozzles. Makeup is applied in three layers: primer, base and strong color for eyes, cheeks and lips. The company says that the ‘ink’ is high-quality, safe and suitable even for very delicate skin types.

Brother for а Brother

Nothing out of the ordinary: just a printer that prints an army of its kind…
Does this ring any bells? There will be more and more of them, and one day they will conquer … the market )

RepRap is a device that can reproduce itself. It is very simple: you buy a device (which, by the way, is released under a free software license) for $500–600 — and crank out other printers for sale for instance…

An offer of marriage

“It is unheard-of impudence”

Scottish researchers (yes, these are those who wear a kilt under a lab coat) have created really incredible thing: living stem cells.

To create life, they use a secret mixture called ‘bionics’. In the long term, a team of scientists plans to print full-fledged organs

In fact, there are many exclusive application areas of 3D printing, of which you have no idea. The 3D print industry is developing with lightning speed and perhaps tomorrow we will see the first 3D printed house or hot dog stand …




Smile-Expo is an international organizer of large-scale business events. 12 years of successful work on the European and CIS markets.