(Pt. 2) Imajin Tinder, but for options… the first look at Smilee v1.69

Larpseidon 👑.bera
Smilee Finance
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2023

This is Part 2 of the Smilee v1.69 series which — believe it or not — is inspired by Tinder. 🔥

“Ser where entry price??” “Why is my position -99%??” “Where is the break-even price??” “What was the exit price??” “HOW TO IMPERMANENT GAIN??”

If you’ve used Smilee v1 on testnet, you know the UI/UX was bare bones with a hint of quirkiness. It was tethered to the chain by duct tape, and foremost a way to get some of Smilee’s core mechanics into the black forest to validate, stress-test, and gather feedback & inspiration.

If you were a mobile user, you know the UX was practically nonexistent as we assumed there’d be virtually no usage.

Man oh man we were wrong. Very wrong. Like pineapple on pizza wrong.

Turns out, ~40% of you traded on mobile. With that in mind, and given the constraints a mobile UI presents an advanced trading primitive like Smilee, we started there first…

Without further ado, say henlo to Smilee v1.69…

Look familiar? This time, swiping might actually increase your wallet balance (or not).

Jokes aside, these cards contain everything you need. 👇

  • Option expiry
  • An interactive chart marking break-even & return potential
  • Premium, strike, leverage, implied volatility (IV)
  • Vault availability
  • Price chart
  • Token performance
  • Greeks

Tired of swiping? Get an overview of all Directional impermanent Gain vaults:

Showed up to Smilee.Finance because you already had the perfect trade setup in mind? Filter for it:

Choose your,

  • Option “status”
  • Strategy
  • Token(s)
  • Expiry

Wen it’s finally time for revanchist wealth, swipe up:

Enter your buy amount, and that’s a wrap. 🤌

Remember, you can exit at any time thanks to Smilee Synthetic AMM.

