Introducing ID API Status

Mark Straub
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2020
What’s My Status…?

At Smile Identity we are working hard to build the best KYC service in Africa.

Unlike many KYC and identity validation services in Europe or the U.S., we go beyond comparing a face to an ID card or an ID card to a matching template.

At Smile, once you send us a query with a user’s consent, we actually check with the local ID issuing authority to see whether the number the user provided is valid, and what info the ID authority has on file for that person — the number, the name, the photo, etc.

To do that, we have to check with various ID authorities themselves. This includes building APIs and in some cases VPNs directly to government ID authorities or registered third parties who can check with a government or banking authority to confirm the legitimacy of user provided ID information.

This is a radical new paradigm. These “ID APIs” allow for fully-remote, digital or app-based KYC with standards that are stronger than many western countries, yet have less friction for users and better audit trails for regulators and risk managers. In many ways Africa is leading the way on this, and we’re excited to be a part of this digital future.

But this new technologically advanced approach also has downsides. Sometimes APIs are down. Sometimes government authorities turn them off for maintenance, and sometimes a certificate somewhere goes out of date and has to be updated.

As a result, there is occasional downtime for ID APIs, and when this happens, it is critical for developers to know, so that they can provide alternative solutions to their users, or at least appropriate messaging until a service returns.

When an ID Authority is down and a developer doesn’t know it, they can waste a lot of time trying to debug their app—checking multiple IDs to see if the issue is user specific and calling us at Smile ID to see whether we are the cause of the issue.

To reduce this frustration and build on our commitment to responsible transparency, we created the ID API Status Page. It’s a feature available to our partners inside the Smile ID Partner Portal. The Page lists API status for 15 different ID types and tells you when a particular ID authority is up (or down) and if the service interruption is mild (a few minutes) or more serious (hours+).

Tell us, so we can help.

If you experience unreported downtime, you can click on the Report Downtime button in the Status Page. If you have feedback for us send us an email at support@smileidentity[dot]com.

We hope you find this useful on your journey building Africa’s digital future.

Sign up for an account here to try it out.



Mark Straub

CEO and Co-founder of @SmileIdentity, Co-Founder @khoslaimpact, Building things with purpose.