Smile Identity’s Mobile SDKs Now Allow You To Capture the Back of an ID Card

Ashiwel Okang Ochui
Published in
Jun 7, 2021
You can now capture the back of an ID card with Smile Identity’s mobile SDKs

We’ve shipped out a highly-requested update to our mobile SDKs that enables Smile Identity’s Partners to capture the back of a customer’s ID card, in addition to the front.

Our SDKs check the captured image submitted by your users to ensure there’s no blurriness or overexposure.

Capturing the back of an ID card makes it even more difficult for bad actors to get past your ID verification process. And, here’s one feature you’ll love: our SDKs check the captured image to ensure there’s no blurriness or overexposure.



Ashiwel Okang Ochui

CX Consultant. Lover of books. Student of cult brands and unusual marketing. Co-founder at @smallbigchops. A slow jazz song with no words.