Smile Vivatech 2019 report

Vivatech was everywhere for 3 days, all the cutting technology was here, accessible to the tech-savvy person you are.

Fabien Gasser
Smile Innovation
7 min readMay 23, 2019


Welcome to our Vivatech 2019 overview.

Europe more than ever should align its strategy to create unicorns and challenge the vision of the USA and China market by unifying effort with a focus on what Europe has been known for: humanity, vision and innovation.

According to me, it goes by :

  • Working way more on diversity starting by promoting Women in Tech
  • Technology should be used for good with a positive impact on the economy, society and humanity
  • Working with the AfricaTech market growing stronger every day and probably the best ally of European growth.

CAC 40 and the public institution has occupied all the good spots with an impressive demonstration of the glory of open innovation and promoting their champions.

Some happy few startups were absorbing the sun received by the giants, leaving crumbs of attention the thousands of startup waiting to shine.

Few innovations from the giants

L’Oréal is now a data-driven company relying on personalization, recommendations (choosing the right skin care with Modiface), and digital expansion to reach new territories.
Matmut sponsoring Plastic Odyssey boat powered solely by plastic waste.
Klaxoon was here to embodies the future of work by promoting collaborative innovation.

SmartWear with Google and Levi’s
The beginning of a long trend for smart wear finally available to everybody.

Project Jacquard: Levi’s smart jacket first look —

Dreem is dreaming big with a huge corner
Collecting sleeping data, to improve your life.

OuiBot by SNCF is driven by the voice.

You can now talk to Ouibot to book your train tickets.

Pole Emploi
What more simple way to express you than in a natural language. In collaboration, we have realized an edge assistant to look for a new job using voice.


AWS with Deepracer vehicle driven with machine learning!

The land of Startups

The rest was a land of small corners dedicated thousand of startups. That’s is where my attention was, during 2 days is focused on solutions allowing to create new digital services.

Here is a small selection that caught my eyes.


AI-Powered Pricing Solution to Boost BtoB Companies’ Business Performance

Retail reload
Our digitalized inventory management Solution provides the retailer with the unified inventory updated real-time end to end & boost comparable-store productivity, customer experience, supply efficiency, big data power & make possible the omnichannel conversion

Indigo — Connected retail
Drives digital store transformation, creating intelligent responsive stores that deliver personalised customer experiences & convert stores into a measurable media channel

PriceComparator is a price monitoring software designed for retailers & suppliers. The easiest way to monitor your competitors’ prices, products and much more in real time! In one click, PriceComparator shows you how and when optimizing your sales.

Cappasity is a SaaS solution that allows to quickly create and embed 3D product images into websites, mobile, and VR/AR apps to raise conversion and reduce returns. Get to know your customers better with our powerful 3D analytics tool!

RHINOV’s services are 3D simulations of interior design, done by professional interior designers from a plan or photos, from 99 €. The service is 100% online and all projects are custom-made, according to the needs of each client.

Automated marketing platform, leveraging on AI to provide intelligent omnichannel solutions and payment service to brands in China.

Comerso accelerates and facilitates the Zero-Waste transition for businesses. We design technological solutions to combat all forms of waste. Our comprehensive solution offers businesses a positive CSR impact: financial, environmental & social.

Counting and tracking people

Future of work

RCUP enables non-invasive data collection thanks to connected PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment’s). RCUP provides employees with periodic reports useful for preventing work-related injuries and disorders for Industry 4.0.

Makerz by Createrocks is the only app to build the best innovating teams within your company. People are key before ideas, if you want new businesses, think teams first.

Rydoo reinvents and simplifies your travel and expense management to just a few clicks and photos, whilst saving time and optimizing costs. From searching for flights and hotels, booking a seat on a train or expensing a cab, Rydoo goes with you all the way.

NU! is a connected and zero waste canteen for companies via a smart fridge. It is an economical and easy-to-install solution for businesses to improve the well-being of their employees while having a positive impact on the planet. is bringing the power of Natural Language Processing to extract lessons learned and sources of delay by auditing your project archives. Our industries are complex projects over 100M EUR: construction, energy, military, etc.

Timekettle is committed to building a global brand of AI translator by integrating leading hardware technology and innovative design. WT2 Plus offers absolute hands-free, and immersive translation experience to our users to engage differences worldwide.

Smart vision

Visual recognition solutions, combining computer vision with deep learning to detect objects, Items or people to create real-time alerts. Retail, Health & Safety and Anomaly detection across all verticals.

LTU is the most robust and scalable visual search technology using image recognition. Combined with artificial intelligence, LTU creates bespoke artificial vision tools to ease image database management for DAM, brand protection and customer experiences

Deepomatic provides an end-to-end deep learning platform that enables companies to build and operate image and video recognition applications at scale.

Sensing feeling
Advanced human behaviour and emotion sensing for business.


BigID is ML-driven data intelligence enables enterprises to understand their personal data at petabyte scale. Using manage the privacy of their most sensitive data, reduce breach risk and operationalize EU GDPR compliance. is a collaborative automated machine learning platform that powers data processing, strong predictive models, self-service analytics and deployment of packaged AI applications in a unique monitored store where customers can easily use them

Drone & robots

H3 Dynamics
H3 DYNAMICS develops self-sustaining field robots (DBX), capable of remotely deploying and recharging drones, collecting data autonomously, and interpreting information on an AI-based cloud platform, enhancing industrial sites inspections and security.

Fully automated drone solutions


PRECISION AGRICULTURE: we scan soils from farmers field, to help them to bring the right input amount in each part of their fields.

FarmViz is a startup in the field of environmental monitoring, with expertise in acquisition, processing and valorization of data. Our goal is to improve the precision farming management and risk prediction using data sciences.

Rex brings together clinical, health, performance, and genetic data to help livestock producers and farmers optimize yield and manage the disease for more sustainable protein supply.

Herds of robots to replace Glyphosate

Victims of global warming, pesticides and the Varroa mite, bees are now classified as endangered species. BeeLife imagined the CoCoon hive that treats Varroa without chemicals via thermotherapy.


Founded by Philippe Ginestié a renowned lawyer, Gino LegalTech is a French company specialised in contract robotisation. He designed and developed an online platform that allows lawyers to robotise their own contracts in a very user-friendly environment.

Hyperlex develops a cloud-based contract management software powered by Artificial Intelligence. This solution allows the companies to dematerialize their contracting process and automate many audit tasks.


Tilkal is a software infrastructure that applies blockchain networks and big data analytics to deliver end-to-end, real-time traceability across supply chains for greater control, security and transparency.

Blockchain-based solution for green energy exchanges: peer-to-peer; certification of origin, electric mobility.

Iot & Embedded Connected System

Neteera combines proprietary algorithms and a sub-THz radar-on-chip, enabling contact-free, seamless and accurate human monitoring in a wide range of environments and use-cases.
Linkio provides a Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh stack dedicated for smart home and smart building to devices manufacturer. Linkio help manufacturers to integrate this technology into their devices.

Robeau is the first smart connected flow meter that effectively displays your direct water consumption per water point in buildings. You can analyse data to reduce consumptions and localize leaks in real time with alerts.

KANDU empowers companies and people wishing to diagnose and improve their indoor environment thanks to a proprietary IoT measuring tool, smart data analytics, scientific expertise and sustainable solutions.


Vaonis refines and simplifies telescope design, making them easier to use and opening the doors of the universe to a greater audience.

You will love learning to code on Gamebuino, the first portable game console made in France. Create your first game in no time, independently and without any experience. You’re code on your computer and see the result directly on the console.

See you my hover taxi is waiting for me!

That’s all folks!

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Fabien Gasser
Smile Innovation

Innovation & Architecture 🛒 Omni retail 🤖 cognitive services & automation 👩‍🔧🧑‍🔬👨‍💻 Collaborative intelligence 🚲 🏊‍♀️ 🎵 📖 🍷