Mastering Virtual — Part 5 of 5: Tips to get to YES and Higher Case Acceptance with Virtual Consults

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4 min readNov 17, 2020

Over last 4 weeks we have been in collaboration with our partners at The Invisible Orthodontist (TIO) sharing the different components to mastering the art of virtual consults in dental and orthodontic practices. Stacey and Casey have covered everything from general tips to specifics on how to make virtual consults a thriving reality. In our final video of our 5-part series, Casey and Stacey discuss the virtual close and ensuring that your new patients are saying YES. After all, the extra work is not worth it if you aren’t seeing the results at the end of the process.

No matter if you are using a traditional consult method or virtual consults (or the combination of the two), if you cannot consistently convert interested patients into enrolling new patients, your efforts are going to have little meaning to the bottom line of your practice. One of the major benefits of incorporating virtual consults into your new patient workflow is the opportunity to overcome or identify common objections before the potential new patient commits to any valuable in-person time in the office.

In the featured video, Casey Bull of TIO explains tried and true ways to not only overcome many of the common objections we hear in the exam room, but also key ways to actually prevent these objections from arising in the first place. You may be very knowledgable of some of the common objections we hear in the exam room and the following are what is covered specifically in this 5th and final video:

  • Time — Either the patient does not have enough time or the are unwilling to commit to the time required to receive treatment.
  • Money — Financial barriers are a common objection in all industries but an easy objection that patients can use regardless of if they can afford treatment or not.
  • Spouse or decision maker not present — another component commonly faced in the exam room is that the decision maker is not available or present so they are unable to make a final decision at the time your practice is hoping for a decision to be made.
  • Fear — For a variety of reasons, fear can be a factor that prevents a patient from saying YES. This is typically because trust has not been established before asking the potential new patient for them to accept the case.
  • Shame/Self Doubt — This can be paired with many of the above objections and is typically not an objection that is verbally expressed.

This is where virtual consults can play a big role in objection prevention. By addressing many of these objections proactively, before the patient expresses them, you are not only delighting them with answers before they inquire, but you are removing barriers that can make your close and the commitment to YES much easier.

Stacey and Casey take some time to also address the layout of the virtual/physical patient experience and where to focus your efforts and when. By staying focused on the information patients need depending on what stage of the journey they are in, you are ensuring that you get a repeatable process for patients that will WOW them consistently.

We wrap up the series with some final pearls and suggestions on how to get more insight into your virtual consults. In the end, Casey and Stacey make a very compelling case for why virtual consults should be a major part of your practice focus. At SmileSnap, we are excited for what the future holds for the dental industry and the continued implementation of digital solutions to help more patients receive the oral healthcare they need for a happy and balanced lifestyle.

If you are interested in further incorporating virtual consults into your practice, SmileSnap offers free 15 minute strategy sessions with our expert customer success team. To book a success meeting you can CLICK HERE or feel free to email Stacey directly at for any questions you may have. This service is available to both customers and those that are interested in becoming a virtual consult user but may not have selected a dental software.

In case you missed any of the series, you can check out the previous parts here:

Part 1: The Optimized New Patient Journey

Part 2: Tips for Tracking Reception and Conversion Rate

Part 3: When, Where and Why to use Live Video in your Virtual Consults

Part 4:Integration Tips for Efficient Virtual Consult Workflow




SmileSnap is the leading Smile Assessment and Virtual Consultation software for dental professionals. We are on a mission to make oral healthcare easy for all.