
Success Is Not A Destination

Choose who you sit with wisely

Lisa Precious
Smiley Blue
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2024


Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

“When you intuitively know you are walking on the right path, no-one will convince you otherwise.” Lisa Precious

The Growth Journey

There’s always much to learn when you open yourself up to acquiring more knowledge.

One thing I love about the journey of growth is that we get to learn about ourselves and others along the way. I don’t believe we ever reach a destination of success, just continued learning, and acquiring wisdom.

This week brought about a little lesson, they tend to come bitter-sweet. Tell the universe you want to reach your highest potential, and the universe will deliver one growth lesson after the next, only you must be open-minded to receive and see the positives in every “sting” in the tail.

The lesson I learned

Never allow a person to sit at your table who does not see the same or similar goal and vision as you do. Why? Their energy will be pointing in another direction, and they will hinder your growth and limit positive outcomes.

It is perfectly acceptable to have disagreements, of course, we can’t all think the same, yet the point I am making is that the…



Lisa Precious
Smiley Blue

Creator and Founder of - We are a publication for people who want to upgrade their lives to reach their highest growth potential.