The misunderstood — the story of the entrepreneur!

Efuet Atem
Smiling in Hardships
6 min readJan 26, 2021


Steve Jobs

The entrepreneur is at the origin of the creation of an economic activity. He or she has the skills and motivation needed to create an economic activity — thereby creating jobs. The entrepreneur is characterized by — a strong involvement in his project, an important material and moral investment, a personality marked by natural leadership. Isn’t it all so beautiful? It is so beautifully said it gives the impression that the entrepreneur is a superman. But then …

In front of phenomenal successes, we cry out for genius… thinking that it is mainly due to talent (or luck). One forgets the thousands of hours that each of us has spent refining our art, our flair for good ideas. For the most talented, success is there according to a mix of variables such as money, recognition, status and public visibility.

Many others, on the other hand, stay where they are lost on the sidelines, sometimes with a talent that can be considered almost equal, but which has not met its market.

In either case, success has a lot to do with the ability to sell oneself. And even when you know how to sell yourself, success is not always there because the entrepreneur often finds himself in uncomfortable situations: it’s extremely hard, you haven’t paid yourself for several months. You are waiting for the big order or the great opportunity…



Efuet Atem
Smiling in Hardships

Passionate about creating value in the society around me, I strive for a greater good for mankind. CEO World like Home & author of Smiling in Hardships.