Smilo explained — Mission and vision

Smilo Cooperative
Published in
4 min readJun 27, 2018

Smilo — Hybrid blockchain platform with a conscience


Individuals have become the moral gatekeepers in society, largely thanks to the global access to information, and a societal shift towards accountability and transparency. With this movement, individuals have started to shift the balance of influence in their favour, and away from businesses, governments, and non-profit organisations. The challenge for these entities is thus to adapt and facilitate this increasingly demanding public in terms of speed of delivery, level of integration, sustainability, privacy, and security. In light of these developments, we identified the need for a hybrid blockchain platform that provided these public entities the right tools to reaffirm their relationship with its stakeholders, warranting transparency whilst protecting the individual’s personal data.


Our mission is to create an environment that aligns the consumer’s need for privacy and security with the processes of governments, NGOs, financial institutions and corporations by providing full accountability and transparency whilst safeguarding the mentioned consumer needs. All this on a hybrid, decentralised, safe, fast and sustainable platform. We will be sharing our codes open source so future blockchains, organisations and their applications can apply it to their specific needs.


Our vision as blockchain adepts is to facilitate a culture of transparency by making collective data irreversible and publicly available, whilst protecting personal data. This will significantly limit the chance of corruption whilst simultaneously acknowledging the need to protect individual personal data. A decline of unnecessary middleman will occur due to the irreversible nature of our user friendly hybrid smart contracts which will be hosted on our platform. This combination of public and private transactions on one blockchain platform, based on the BFT protocol, defines Smilo as a hybrid blockchain platform with a conscience.


Smilo — Hybrid blockchain platform with a conscience —

  • Sustainable: an eco friendly blockchain platform through our improved BFT protocol.
  • Transparency: an open source environment which grants easy access for audits.
  • Privacy protection: through the hybrid transactions and hybrid smart contracts.
  • Anti-corruption: through the non-reversible data lock in for tenders and elections.
  • Scalable and fast: over 100 times faster than Ethereum and other platforms.
  • Security: through our improved BFT protocol with 66% votes.
  • Affordable: the blockchain transactions require a negligible fee.

Use cases

  • Medical records being owned by individuals and shared with medical institutions and insurance companies upon request.
  • Elections or referenda being facilitated through secure and private voting to rule out any post-election influence.
  • Donations through a private smart contract construction which ensures the anonymous donor that the money will be spent in an honorable way.
  • Public tenders where the RFP’s are being listed anonymously but also definitely and irreversible to avoid adjustments after the assignment has been granted.


Smilo is being developed by an experienced, multi-skilled, ambitious and accessible team. The overall attitude is one of transparency, collaboration, dedication and straightforwardness. No fake advisors but actual contributors, no corporate name dropping but actual value adding partnerships. All our efforts go into the successful development and implementation of the Smilo platform, since we are a firm believer of our concept and its potential. Nevertheless we will not sell you theories without tangible and verifiable data, we will not seek any funding before presenting a working prototype and sharing the source code on Github.


The Smilo Platform will attract a significant and varied user base with a large amount of transactions, which requires a solid platform that can guarantee sufficient scalability, speed, security and low transaction costs, all executed in a sustainable way. That is why we have developed the Smilo platform the way we have.

Decentral, hybrid, fast, safe, cheap and sustainable.

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Smilo Cooperative

The latest generation hybrid blockchain platform DAO Cooperative