Pitching Perfectly?

sophee mink
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2023

Pitching your writing to a specific publication is something that I never have thought intently about or even knew was a step writers had to take in their career! It makes so much sense, though. It reminds me a lot of an internship/job search: You are contacting the company/publication directly selling yourself/your writing. In this you are making connections and networking, even if they don’t directly start working with you. When pitching your work, as we have learned this week in class, one must sound confident and act like you know what you are talking about. Just like one would present themselves in a job interview. Your presence/how you sound when talking about you/your writing is vital to sounding legit and valid! And, as Dr. Richard tells us, if you do not feel confident, “Fake it ‘till you make it!”

As I began to brainstorm (here is an awesome list of online publications that Dr. Richard gave us in class) what publication I would like to pitch my writing to, I found a website that I fell in love with. Organic Gardening Magazine was featured on the list and I found so many different articles that aligned with my own interests. I decided then and there I wanted to pivot topics and talk about an issue that I have read and researched a lot about during my academic career: The exploitation of Latino farmworkers specifically in California.

I am not completely sure that this is what a writers is suppose to do: change their direction of their writing FOR a specific publication and cater their work only to them. But, having grown up with a mother who is an organic farmer-I could not pass up this opportunity!



sophee mink
Editor for

Senior student-writer at High Point University. Digital writing for social action is my jam!