The Hundreds — JVW #2

Read 100 pages, Write 100 Words, Make for 100 minutes

john v willshire
1 min readSep 23, 2016


READING: For a pecha kucha talk I did at the London Design Festival, I was looking into ‘sight and design’, so reread some of Unflattening, and went looking for my copy of John Berger’s Ways of Seeing but couldn’t find it, so watched the first episode of the original 70s series instead…

I’ve also started Abby Covert’s How To Make Sense of Any Mess, which is excellent so far.

WRITING: I’ve written up my talk as mentioned above, as well as this short piece for inclusion in the Silicon Beach event book talking about the Field Kit we’ve made for the attendees.

MAKING: Started remaking the Smithery website, to refresh and update it in anticipation of the office move and various other exciting things going on. And finally write up some projects from the recent past, as opposed to two years ago. Makes me want to redo the Artefact Cards website next, but that’s the tinkerer in me.

What is The Hundreds?



john v willshire

Runs Smithery. Makes Artefact Cards. Said 'Make Things People Want' > 'Make People Want Things'.