Food for Feed?

Smitten Worldwide
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2020

This pandemic has gotten us all rethinking what the “essentials” in life really are.

Food, friends and family clearly topped the list. We found ourselves filling in the gaping hole left in our lives that was once occupied by coffee hangs and bar hangs, with cups of instagrammable Dalgonas. We found ourselves reaching out to more friends, and checking in on family — social media had never had more of a hold on our lives.

As we emerge back into the world, it’s important we remember what “social connection” really means in this world — everything. Humans are a race, not an individual.

Here are a few ways you can establish a connection with your audience for your food brand.

A brand about town

Think about all the content you actually like on Instagram. The pictures of travel, the joie de vivre, the cats. “Breathe life” into your product, by giving it a life to live. This is especially easy when you’re selling a product that doesn’t need to be plated. Carry a pack with you anytime you step out. Show the life your brand leads — in the home office or out and about. Just ensure you’re distancing and following all safety measures in pursuit of pictures for the gram.

You do you

With a rising consciousness among customers to boost local business, it’s important you don’t shy away from your story. Started your business out of your stoop? Tell the world. Saved and framed your first business invoice (how very Rose Apothecary of you)? Show the world. We all know the saying “Be yourself. Everybody else is taken”. Building a brand is as much about authenticity, as it is about consistency and creativity.

What’s the recipe?

Audiences love knowing what goes into their food. Whether it’s the ingredients, the effort taken to hand cut your packaging, or the words that motivate you as an entrepreneur every day. Find ways to share what makes your business tick. And then find a way to say it while staying on brand.

Bring the restaurant home

If your business is as much about the plating and the ambience as it is about the food, find fun ways to spice up your packaging. Allow your customer their instagram moment right in their homes. Elevate the experience of ordering in.

Peace of mind

Reassure your customer that your food has been packed in a safe environment. Find little ways to remind your customers to stay safe — throw in a wet wipe, or a sachet of hand sanitizer. Use fun stickers to share the information on your packaging.

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