Wow, we won!

Jonas Heide Smith
SMK Open
Published in
1 min readMar 8, 2018

What curator and tireless open access fighter Merete Sanderhoff is holding here, is nothing less than the Danish Open Data Award 2018.

It is a newly initiated award given to a person or a group for an extraordinary effort to promote open data in Denmark. It is instituted by the NGO’s Open Knowledge Denmark, ETHOS Lab and Open4Citizens.

Merete Sanderhoff was awarded the prize for her outstanding work to open up digitised museum collections, to promote OpenGLAM standards in the Danish and international cultural heritage sector, and to foster creative reuse and citizen engagement. This happens for instance through the community Wiki Labs Culture, whose purpose it is to put cultural heritage into wider use on the open, volunteer-driven encyclopedia Wikipedia.

The award is a recognition which all of us — not least in the SMK Open team — are very happy and proud to receive.



Jonas Heide Smith
SMK Open

Head of Digital at @smkmuseum, The National Gallery of Denmark. PhD in games. #musetech