Start Your Own Social Media Marketing Agency In $100 Using SMM.AI

Abhishek Shankar


Most people think of starting their own business or a side hustle. Yet 99% fail. The problem is most people don’t follow through. Finance, lengthy procedures, less expertise leads you from being a successful Entrepreneur to a ‘Wannapreneur.’ Most noteworthy of all the features of an Entrepreneur and that is 99.99% responsible for who they are is Action. Achieving your dreams is much easier by starting a social media marketing agency. And that too within $100 using SMM.AI.

Why Social Media Marketing Agency?

Social media is growing way too fast. It has became an integral part of all business types. 85% of businesses are currently using social media to drive traffic and increase awareness. 71% consider engagement with the audience to be the leading motivator behind their social presence. 50 Million small business have social media pages. As a result, social media marketing agencies are high in demand.

You can earn more than $100,000 annually by starting your own social media marketing agency. And if that is not enough, starting your agency can help you in being your own boss, having a perfect work-life balance, setting your own hours of work and many other perks. Above all, you can work from anywhere; it can be your home- supporting your family or at a resort relaxing with your friends. All of these comfort can be attained by investing less than $100 in your social media marketing agency.

6 Easy Steps for starting your Social Media Marketing Agency

1. Understand and Built your Customer Base:

To start with, you need to go out and meet small business owners. Approach businesses to see what they are currently doing in terms of marketing and whether you can help them handle their marketing efforts online. They can be a coffees shop owner, restaurants or any business because all of them needs social media management. Second, you need to propose your social media management idea. Thirdly, you need to understand their domain. You can also look for some freelance project at freelance sites like freelancer and upwork. Ask if they are interested in social media, show them the potential. Not all businesses understand the power of social media, so you may need to sell them the benefits you can provide. In the end, people buy solutions. You have to show them how they can get more sales by improving their social media presence.

Professional social media marketing can cost a business between $1,000- $20,000 per month. However, if you are new to social media marketing or your customer have a small business. You can charge $200 for managing one social media profile. The better part is that you will be spending less than $20 in gaining these customers. Initially, you need to charge less but these experience can significantly lead you to be a better marketer. Consequently, you will be increasing your revenue too.

2. Do the Research:

Social media is incredibly dynamic. Each year, Facebook or some other major social media player introduces something new and that something new usually makes the entire industry to jump. What is that one thing that every solid social media marketer needs? The answer is ‘Stay updated with the recent trends’. Find out all the answers to the questions you can think of regarding social media marketing. You don’t want to be the one who believes that same old knowledge can help you in long run.

In brief, you need to know what kind of content to share within your niche. For this purpose, you need to stay updated with all the changes in social media. Keep a track on marketing automation tools that will maximize your ROI and make your work easy. You can also follow social media marketing influencers to get daily dose of healthy tips and advice related to social media marketing.

3. Signup on Smm.AI

Every day, as a social media marketer and agency, you have to spend 2–3 hours daily on researching and curating content to post and find hashtags or keywords to target. This task not only takes time but is also monotonous & non-standardized (varies from person to person). And if you are managing social media accounts of 100s of customers, it becomes close to impossible to provide quality. This is where SMM.AI comes in. It helps you curate 100s of custom social media plans for your customers in minutes.

Through Smm.AI you can send your customer an email with a curated social media plan for the day. SMM.AI provides you a platform (powered by trained AI machines) that perform this repeatable research (& evaluate) tasks for you. And as an end result, you get an actionable social media plan delivered to your customer’s inbox. Your inputs & crawled data will train SMM.AI machines to generate data-driven plans for you. You can also schedule your emails according to your customers’ time zone.

4. Add Customers in Smm.AI:

You can easily add customers by providing basic details. Timezone can also be specified of your customer to help in scheduling the mail. Mail scheduling will benefit you if your customer is in different time zone. Above all, Smm.AI enables you to add multiple customers.

5. Enrich Your Customer profile:

As a social media marketer, you need to understand your customer. The key to maximizing your customer’s social media ROI relies on proper and complete knowledge transfer. Enrichment of your customer is done on the dashboard by gathering knowledge over your customer. Enrichment of customer profile includes blog page of the customer, Competitor’s website link and categories of interest. This will help Smm.AI to better understand your customer and their domain. And as a result of enrichment, you will get best quality curated content for your customer.

6. Create Social Media Plans and Send to your Customer:

In the ‘Create Plan’ tab, Smm.AI’s system will curate the content for your customers, including all the best performing content on different social networks. It also shows all the important hashtags your customer’s competitors use regularly. So, competitors insight can really help you differentiate yourself from other agencies in the market. Besides, you don’t have to spend much time analyzing your customer’s domain.

If you want to add some hashtags, simply add the trending hashtags from competitors insight panel. Moreover, you can humanize your email by GIFs.

In the nutshell, SMM.AI will help you set up and increase your social media marketing agency’s revenue by expanding your service portfolio. Allowing you to serve hundreds of customers with fairly small human involvement.

Start Your Social Media Marketing Agency

Originally published at on January 16, 2019.

