Treasurer, the Cadillac under the cigarettes

Ramón Graf
Smoke Proud
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2020


Smoking is damaging your health so if you do, do it in style! I want to present to you the cigarette brand I fell in love with last year: Treasurer crafted by Chancellor Tobacco Company UK.

They won me over and will do the same to you, that is if you get a hold on them. I have to say I am in no way sponsored or affiliated with Treasurer or Chancellor Tobacco but with a product as pristine as the Treasurer collection I don’t have to be — lighting a Treasurer is smoking perfection.

* by Ramón Graf 2019 at Angler San Francisco

Everything from the packaging to the cigarette itself screams London gentleman's haute couture, coming in differently colored of varying strength and alternate versions in size and packaging, besides the normal cigarette also featuring a high-class slim line suitable for any women of class.

Treasurer prizes itself as being the quote: “most exclusive and the most expensive cigarette in the world.” This statement is definitely true, retail prizes vary from version and country between 40$ and 80$ per pack and the locations of where to get them are very scarce. Mostly being handled in selected tobacco specialist boutiques, exclusive business clubs or first-class airport lounges they tend to be hard to come by and are mostly designed for a high-class clientele.

